Gdańsk Tech Strategy | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Gdańsk Tech Strategy

widok z rybiej perspektywy na front Gmachu Głównego PG

The strategy of Gdańsk University of Technology defines the system of values that guides the University in its activities, the university's mission, i.e. the main goals of actions taken, the vision of the university's development status in the indicated time horizon, as well as the basic methods and tools of actions aimed at achieving the assumed goals.

Gdańsk University of Technology Strategic Framework 2020 – 2030

Since 2017, Gdańsk University of Technology has the right and privilege to use the HR Excellence in Research Award. This distinction is awarded by the European Commission to institutions that implement the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

HR4R PG (Human Resources for Researchers) strategy