The Aurum Supporting International Research Team Building program is a part of the activities of the centers of Gdańsk Tech priority research areas. Its goal is to increase and enrich the scientific potential of Gdańsk Tech as a result of the creation of new research teams led by researchers from Gdańsk Tech, with the participation of foreign scientists.
For whom?
An applicant to the program may be an employee of the Gdansk University of Technology who has at least a doctoral degree.
What you stand to gain?
As part of the program, you can get a university grant to finance the creation of a new research team. The funds can be allocated to cover the costs of operating in the structure of a team of foreign scientists, the costs of purchasing or creating research infrastructure, and the costs of international research cooperation. The maximum budget of the grant is PLN 500 000.
What is the project implementation period?
The project implementation period can range from 3 to 12 months.
How and when to apply for a grant?
Funds under the Program are awarded through a competitive procedure.
The competitive call for 2023/2024 has ended.
Regulation FAQ Submit an application