The Hydrogenium Supporting Membership In International Networks is a long-term program implemented as part of the IDUB tasks of the Gdańsk Tech Priority Research Area Centers (PRAC). Its aim is to improve the recognition of Gdańsk University of Technology in the global scientific circulation as a result of supporting the participation of the university in scientific networks and university organizations of high reputation, as well as exchange of experience, good practices and transfer of knowledge on innovative solutions in science and education within these networks and organizations.
For whom?
For employees of the Gdansk University of Technology with at least a doctoral degree, employed at the university as the primary place of work.
What you stand to gain?
Participation in the program enables financing of international travel costs necessary to initiate Gdańsk Tech's participation in the network or organization of universities, as well as membership fees and the costs of Gdańsk Tech's participation in the operation of the networks or organizations of universities.
How and when to apply for a grant?
The call for applications under the Americium Program is continuous.
The application is submitted electronically through the Grants module.