The activity will focus on recruiting highly qualified personnel using platforms such as Research Gate, Linked in, etc. A system of financial support for the initial stage of recruitment and a system for monitoring the achievements and barriers to the development of recruited personnel will be established. It is planned to recruit more than 60 scientists from abroad who are at different stages of their scientific careers: from world-renowned scientists to young researchers (postdocs) with high scientific potential. The new employees will support the already existing research groups within the PRA and allow the formation of new teams of international stature. The task is aimed at creating a strong group of young researchers, for whom financial support is envisaged from the moment they start working at Gdańsk Tech. Financial support will be given to the leader of the research group in the form of a grant (up to PLN 5 million).
It is planned to implement a system for assessing progress and identifying barriers in order to respond on an ongoing basis to the needs of the acquired scientists and create optimal conditions for their work and development.

The activity will positively influence the growth of Gdańsk Tech scientific potential. It will be a factor initiating higher standards and a higher level of scientific ambition, as well as raising the quality of research conducted. It will ensure a reduction in the "in-breeding" rate and an increase in the number of "foreign-born academic staff," especially for PRA.

- Hiring highly qualified staff: PLN 20.3 million (postdoc: 60 people for 2 years, averaging PLN 0.15 million a year each; experienced scientist: 3 people for 2 years, averaging PLN 0.3 million a year each; renowned professor: 2 people for 3 years, averaging PLN 0.4 million a year each)
- Development and implementation of a system to monitor achievements and barriers to development: PLN 0.70 million
- Support for scientific research at the initial stage of employment: PLN 30 million (12 grants averaging PLN 2.5 million each)

- Implementation of a system for recruiting highly qualified personnel from outside Poland: 2020
- Launch a grant-based system to support research teams: 2020
- Establish and implement a system to monitor staff development: 2021
- Employment of highly qualified scientists from outside Poland: 2020 - 9, 2021 - 9, 2022 - 10, 2023 - 10, 2024 - 14, 2025 - 13
- Awarding research support grants to newly recruited groups: 2020 - 2, 2021 - 2, 2022 - 2, 2023 - 2, 2024 -2, 2025 - 2 
The action consists of three main tasks. First and foremost, it is envisaged to organize international conferences of global scope within the framework of the PRA. This will make it possible to use and spread Gdańsk Tech strengths to promote the university, especially its location and the attractiveness of the campus, and to encourage cooperation and popularization of the research results obtained.
Funding is planned for visiting professors of high international reputation. Such professors will ensure the transfer of knowledge, as well as encourage research cooperation especially among groups of young scientists and promote Gdańsk Tech in the international environment.
Another task will be to financially support the participation of university employees in consortia and scientific networks. It will be an element of gaining knowledge about funding opportunities and, above all, establishing cooperation groups in the international environment, which are potentially future consortia of ongoing projects. 

This support will also allow young scholars whose potential can be recognized internationally among the groups deciding on the distribution of funds and directions for future research.

- Organization of conferences at PRA: PLN 1.6 million (800 participants, average of PLN 2,000 each)
- Funding of visiting professors' visits: PLN 1.8 million (60 persons, average of PLN 30 thousand each)
- Funding for participation in scientific consortia and lobby groups: PLN 0.8 million (4 consortia, average PLN 0.2 million each)

- Launching a financial support system for the organization of international conferences in Gdańsk Tech: 2022
- creation of a system of support and monitoring of the effectiveness of implemented visiting professors' stays: 2020
- creation of a system of support for the formation of consortia, for the implementation of significant international projects: 2020

It is planned to develop a system to support the preparation of proposals for new projects and monitoring of projects already underway. It is planned to create and launch an information system to identify any risks that arise during the implementation of projects.
The second task is to support the acquisition of prestigious grants, especially ERC-type grants. In the group of Gdańsk Tech employees, there are now at least several, and in the coming years we anticipate a dozen people who represent the level to apply for ERC grants. These individuals are already applying, albeit unsuccessfully, for such projects. The funds are to be used to support them in applying for prestigious grants. We want to raise the level of submitted proposals in the applicant group to the point where the submitted proposals are in the A rating group.
Another element within the measure will be a system of university grants for young scientists. It is planned to award several grants per year with an average amount of PLN 0.5 million. The total amount of support equal to PLN 15 million will allow to reach a wide group of active young scientists (up to 7 years after the doctorate). These grants, as an interim element, will allow to prepare and carry out preliminary work in order to prepare for the grant proper, or they will complement the existing and ongoing projects of the person.

Participation in prestigious international research projects will increase both the University's actual impact on the development of world science and the international visibility of that impact.


- Open Access support system: PLN 1.8 million (600 publications, average of PLN 3 thousand each)
- Open Research Data support system: PLN 0.6 million (60 publications, average of PLN 3,000 each)
- System for promotion (dissemination) and positioning of emerging publications: PLN 1 million
- System of financial reward for the best publications from the first decile: PLN 5 million (250 publications, average PLN 20 thousand each).

- creation and implementation of a project support system: 2020
- Launching a system for monitoring and supporting proposals for prestigious grants: 2021 - 3; 2022 - 3; 2023 - 3; 2024 - 3; 2025 - 3
- Starting a grant support system for young scientists: 2020 - 14; 2021 - 14; 2022 - 14, 2023 - 14; 2024 - 13; 2025 - 13
The increase in the number of prestigious publications will be achieved through several tasks aimed primarily at supporting the idea of Open Access with external publishers and reducing the barrier to publishing very good papers. It is planned to support only articles from the first decile of journals according to the Scopus/WoS database.
It also plans to disseminate the Open Research Data system, which should ensure an increase in citability. It is planned to support 8 to 12 publications per year. The funds for this task are several times less than those allocated for Open Access, as the information system built under the MOST Data project will be used.
It is also planned to introduce a system for promoting and highly positioning emerging publications, by advertising individual articles with publishers such as Elsevier, or in systems such as Mendeley, Endnote.
Another task is to create and implement a system of financial bonuses for the best publications. The significant funds that have been provided for this will supplement the income of employees and motivate them to publish better and better. It is planned to support only, as in the case of Open Access, publications from the first decile.

Implementation of the measure will significantly increase the international visibility of the University and its employees.

- Open Access support system: PLN 1.8 million (600 publications, average of PLN 3 thousand each)
- Open Research Data support system: PLN 0.6 million (60 publications, average of PLN 3,000 each)
- System for promotion (dissemination) and positioning of emerging publications: PLN 1 million
- System of financial reward for the best publications from the first decile: PLN 5 million (250 publications, average PLN 20 thousand each)

- Open Access support system: PLN 1.8 million (600 publications, average of PLN 3 thousand each)
- Open Research Data support system: PLN 0.6 million (60 publications, average of PLN 3,000 each)
- System for promotion (dissemination) and positioning of emerging publications: PLN 1 million
- System of financial reward for the best publications from the first decile: PLN 5 million (250 publications, average PLN 20 thousand each)
It was planned to support the creation of 8 strong international teams cooperating with centers of high repute. In addition, it is envisaged to award about 10 grants per year for expenses related to visits of Gdańsk Tech scientists to renowned research centers. Participation in such internships has a very strong impact on the scientific development of individuals, as well as strengthening cooperation between research centers. Young scientists in particular will be able to apply for internships, as well as those who are likely to prepare publications in journals of high repute. In 2020-2024, it is planned to support about 50 internships lasting more than 3 mths.
Funding is also planned for participation in networks and organizations of universities that provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, experiences, as well as the opportunity to discuss important issues of importance for the development of society as a whole (e.g. Grand Challenges) and the Baltic Sea region. Support will be directed to a number of the most relevant organizations throughout the project period.
Research cooperation will also be strengthened through support in the form of outreach activities, training, language courses dedicated to the selected topic, learning the art of negotiation, and mentoring by successful researchers.

Implementation of the action explicitly aims to achieve the goal of strengthening research cooperation with high-ranking scientific institutions.

- Support for building teams with high-profile centers: PLN 3 million (8 teams, average of PLN 375 thousand each)
- Internships with centers of high scientific reputation: PLN 5 million (50 internships, average of PLN 100 thousand each)
- Support for participation in networks and organizations of universities: PLN 0.4 million (6 networks averaging PLN 70 thousand each)
- System of selecting potential centers for PRA cooperation and monitoring the effectiveness of cooperation: PLN 0.3 million.
- Soft support - information, training, mentoring: PLN 0.5 million

- start a system of grants to support international cooperation: 2021 - 1; 2022 - 1, 2023 - 1; 2024 - 1
- launch of a system of support for internships of more than 3 months: 2020 - 5; 2021 - 10; 2022 - 10, 2023 - 10; 2024 - 10; 2025 - 5
- start of operation of the established support system in networks and organizations: 2020
- start of operation of the IT system for selecting centers for cooperation: 2021
- the start of the information desk: 2020
- the start of the training and mentoring system: 2021
Gdansk Tech plans to strengthen cooperation with research centers in the Baltic Sea region, taking advantage of its geographical location and the significant potential of the region. A separate fund for supporting and lobbying research proposals, subsequently implemented at Baltic Sea universities within the framework of the PRA, is envisioned for this purpose. The proposed support will include several research teams.
Strengthening cooperation with centers from the Baltic Sea Region will also be served by funds allocated to finance research carried out by young scientists within the PRA. Between 2021 and 2025, 2 million is expected to be allocated to fund 5 grants for projects with Baltic Sea partners, which should strengthen Gdansk Tech's position, as well as lead to cooperation between scientific staff and universities in its immediate vicinity.

This action should allow Gdansk Tech to gain a significant and even leading position in the South Baltic area.

- RMB research funding for young researchers under the PRA: PLN 2 million (5 grants, average of PLN 0.4 million each)
- Fund for supporting and lobbying research proposals and participation in RMB university networks: PLN 0.5 million (2 grants, average of PLN 0.25 million each)

- Establishment of the RMB research support grant system: 2021 - 1; 2022 - 1; 2023 - 1; 2024 - 1; 2025 - 1
- Launch of RMB research support grant system: 2021 - 1; 2023 - 1
Recognizing the need to compete effectively for the brightest college candidates, Gdansk Tech plans to modify the system of education at the first and second degrees to best match the needs of the scientific community and the socio-economic environment.
It is planned to introduce a system of individual training paths for students by involving them in research projects. This will make it possible to identify young, independent research leaders who will already build their careers during their studies and develop them to obtain the skills necessary to conduct research projects and perform leadership roles. Between 2020 and 2025, about 100 students are planned to be involved in such a form of training.
Another task will be to modify the study program. It is planned to introduce new subjects covering issues related to conducting research and project management. The acquisition of competencies in research project management by students will enable them to actively participate in the implementation of projects and play the role of research leader in the future.
Another element of the modification of the education system at the second level will be an increase in the number of classes requiring the solution of research and analytical problems, the purpose of which will be to impart knowledge concerning, among other things, the methodology of conducting research. It is planned to introduce new subjects to support ongoing research within the PRA.

The implementation of the measure explicitly aims to achieve the goal of improving the quality of student education.

- Introducing a system of individual student pathways for participation in research projects: PLN 2.4 million (100 students, average of PLN 20 thousand each)
- Changes to programs aimed at research and project management: PLN 0.2 million (20 programs and materials, average of PLN 10 thousand each)
- Increasing the share of classes that require solving research problems: PLN 0.4 million (16 classes, average PLN 25 thousand each)

- start of the system of individual student pathways in PRA: 2020
- modifications of selected subjects focused on research and project management: 2020 - 4; 2021 - 8; 2022 - 8
- development of new subjects supporting ongoing research for PRA: 2021 - 8; 2022 - 8
The main component of the modification of education at the third degree program is the organization of a doctoral school and its promotion in selected geographic fields, with the aim of attracting the most talented candidates for doctoral studies. The school will provide a wide range of specialized and soft-skills subjects, taught in English.
A system of funding four-year scholarships for doctoral candidates from outside Poland, in the total amount of about PLN 41.4 million, is planned. They will allow the best candidates to create conditions for effective work within the framework of the doctorate, without the need to take on additional gainful employment. In 2020-2025, 345 people are planned to be covered by these scholarships. The proposed scholarships are expected to be competitive, including for scientific disciplines in greatest demand in the labor market.

Implementation of the action will create appropriate financial, organizational and educational conditions for the professional development of budding scientists.

- Organization of doctoral school - advertising of activities in selected geographic areas: PLN 0.8 million (6 campaigns averaging PLN 120 thousand each plus development of advertising materials PLN 80 thousand)
- Scholarship system for the best doctoral students from outside Poland: PLN 41.4 million (345 scholarships averaging PLN 0.12 million each per year)

- Establishment of a doctoral school advertising system in the PRA on selected geographic subjects: 2020
- creation of a system of doctoral scholarships for non-PRAs: 2020 - 10; 2021 - 25; 2022 - 45, 2023 - 70; 2024 - 90; 2025 - 105
Within the framework of this action, in order to attract the best candidates for studies, a promotion will be introduced, taking advantage of all the advantages of Gdansk Tech, i.e. its geographical location and infrastructural and organizational potential.
As part of this action, it is also planned to introduce a system of scholarships for the most talented university candidates, for majors including PRA. About 100 scholarships are expected to be awarded annually.

The implementation of the action explicitly seeks to achieve the goal of competing effectively for the brightest college applicants.

- Introducing a student recruitment system, taking advantage of the location and potential of Gdansk Tech: PLN 0.7 million (6 campaigns averaging PLN 100 thousand each plus development of PLN 100 thousand)
- Support for cooperation with secondary schools identifying the most talented graduates: PLN 0.3 million (10 schools average PLN 30 thousand each)
- Introducing a system of scholarships for the most talented candidates for studies concerning majors within the PRA: PLN 2 million (100 persons on average PLN 20 thousand each)

- system implementation: 2020
- Launch of a collaborative support program with selected high schools: 2020 - 5; 2021 - 5
- launch of the scholarship system: 2021 - 20; 2022 - 20, 2023 - 20; 2024 - 20; 2025 - 20
In aimed at improving the quality of student education, Gdansk Tech intends to introduce a talent management program. It is planned to fund grants to support the activities of student circles and research teams, which provide a natural environment for the emergence of research group leaders, organizational leaders and leaders who initiate new research areas. An element of the talent management system will also be the development of a set of indicators and the introduction of an IT system to support the identification of the best students. This will make it possible to select as clearly as possible those who are most likely to become leaders and invest in their development. It is planned to introduce a scholarship system for the best students covering a group of 120 students during the project period. The amount of PLN 2.9 million for scholarships will allow the awarded students to devote themselves to research activities without having to take up gainful employment in external institutions.
In order to encourage academics to get involved in the above activities, it is planned to introduce a special fund for grants for mentors of the best students (increased remuneration, financial support of ongoing research). It is expected that a total of 60 people will be involved in such an activity for the duration of the project..

The implementation of the action explicitly aims to achieve the goal of effective talent management.

- Support system for scientific circles and student scientific teams: PLN 1.5 million (3 competitions averaging PLN 0.5 million each)
- Introduction of a system of indicators to select the best students: PLN 0.4 million
- System of grant support for teachers taking care of the most talented students: PLN 1.2 million (60 individuals averaging PLN 20,000 each)
- Scholarship system for the best students: PLN 2.9 million (120 people average PLN 24 thousand each)

- creation of a system of grants supporting student circles: 2020 - 1; 2022 - 1; 2023 - 1; 2024 - 1; 2025 - 1; 2026 - 1
- Launch of an IT system to support the selection of the best students: 2020
- launching a system of grants for teachers identifying the most talented students: 2020 - 10; 2021 - 10; 2022 - 10, 2023 - 10; 2024 - 10; 2025 - 10
- Launching a system of scholarships for the best: 2020 - 20; 2021 - 20; 2022 - 20, 2023 - 20; 2024 - 20; 2025 - 20
The action will include the development and implementation of a system of career paths (including fast tracks for young scientists), taking into account employees with research, research and teaching profiles. The principles and method of monitoring career development will be defined. It is assumed that a transparent system of promotion criteria will be created, separately for researchers and administrative staff. Individual development plans will be developed. The existing staff evaluation of scientists and administration based on a system of indicators (e.g., mobility, publications, international cooperation, projects) will be verified.
It is planned to introduce a system of differentiated loads (scientific and other). This will allow harmonious career development and relieve researchers of administrative work and excessive teaching duties. It is also planned to develop a system of motivation for researchers (bonuses, university grants, support for international exchange) and administration (bonuses, funding for training and internships). Conclusions from the NCNpt-funded research grant implemented (2018-2021) by university staff will be used. "Drive to the Excellence in HE. Positive management of technical universities: a new model of motivation". The unambiguous definition of the rules and their possible modification during the operation of the system will guarantee the activation of broad groups of university employees.
It is also planned to implement a system for monitoring the independence of young scientists by a dedicated team, analyzing the barriers and problems arising in this area.

Implementation of the action introduces solutions that directly serve the professional development of the University's employees.

- Conducting career paths : PLN 0.9 million
- Implementing employee development and evaluation plans : PLN 0.9 million
- Developing and introducing a system of differentiated loads : PLN 0.3 million
- Developing an employee motivation system : PLN 0.1 million
- Monitoring the independence of young scientists: PLN 0.3 million

- Preparation and implementation of a career path system: 2020
- preparation and implementation of the system of professional development plans: 2021
- launch of information system for monitoring discounts: 2020
- development and implementation of employee incentive system: 2020
- establishment of a team to monitor the independence of young scientists: 2020
The action includes funds for grants to support trips of employees, especially young scientists, to leading research centers, under the PRA. A total of 180 people are planned to be covered by such grants in 2020-2025. The grants are intended to remove barriers that limit mobility (paying for training leaves at Gdansk Tech, providing teaching replacements).
It is planned to introduce a system of flexible didactic accounting for expatriate employees, which is expected to eliminate one of the most significant barriers to mobility identified in surveys conducted among academics - i.e. problems with arranging teaching replacements and granting training leaves.
Another task to support academics is to develop a system for individualizing development plans in view of the personal situation of employees. This will allow a group of employees who, in the case of various fortuitous events or family situations, are forced to temporarily reduce their scientific activity, and this will make it possible to adjust the development path to the periodically reduced commitment.
It is also planned to take measures to promote the idea of work-life balance, allowing employees to achieve a balance between commitment to work and personal life. It is planned to implement programs to change attitudes and facilitate work-life balance, so that an organizational culture based on respect, trust and said work-life balance can be implemented at the university.

Implementation of the action will increase the international mobility of the University's scientists and their professional satisfaction.

- Grants to support travel to leading research centers covering research in PRA: PLN 3.6 million (180 grants averaging PLN 30,000 each)
- Introduction of a system of flexible billing of didactics for mobile researchers: PLN 0.9 million
- System of individualization of development plans due to personal situation of employees: PLN 0.6 million
- Information activities/promoting the idea of work-life balance: PLN 0.3 million.

- introduction of travel grants: 2020 - 30; 2021 - 30; 2022 - 30, 2023 -30; 2024 - 30; 2025 - 30
- Determination of internal regulations and launch of teaching discount system: 2020
- introduction of a system of individualization of development plans: 2021
- launch of information and support activities: 2020
This activity will implement organizational changes to synchronize the work of scientists in the various scientific disciplines evaluated at Gdansk Tech. This will ensure effective management of scientific policy within these scientific disciplines. The aforementioned synchronization will make it possible to apply a uniform way of evaluating employees, taking into account the specifics of each scientific discipline and improving the management of the university. These organizational changes will significantly affect the priority research area (PRA): ELECTRONIC, INFORMATION AND MECHATRONIC TECHNOLOGIES, which is found in several faculties and concerns research and implementation in the area of maritime economy. Organizational changes, synchronizing scientific activities within the discipline, will also apply to PRA: MATERIAL ENGINEERING. They will provide support for PRA, having a group of the youngest and most active scientists at Gdansk Tech.
Research management will be supported by an IT system to support the activities of the Scientific Discipline Councils, which decide on research policy and funding, according to the adopted new Statute of Gdansk University of Technology. The system is scheduled to be launched at the end of 2020. It will be the basis for evaluating scientists, due to their detailed achievements. It will make it possible to determine which research directions should be supported and what funding they should receive, taking into account their future research potential, including their relevance to the selected PRAs.

Implementation of the action will contribute to raising the level of management of the University.

- Organizational changes at the university that synchronize the work of scientists in scientific disciplines: PLN 0.5 million
- IT system to support the actions of the councils of scientific disciplines, deciding on research policy and funding: PLN 1.5 million

- Introduction of organizational changes, synchronizing scientific disciplines: 2021
- launch of an IT system to support the actions of the councils of scientific disciplines: 2021
It is envisaged that a university-wide Human Resources (HR) Department will be established, managing human capital in terms of employment, using worldwide recruitment channels and monitoring development paths, particularly for scientists with the greatest potential. The HR Department will be responsible for launching a fast-track promotion path for young scientists. HR specialists will be hired and procedures for the operation of the department will be developed and implemented.
It is planned to establish a Scientific Effectiveness Council, composed of at least 70% international experts, whose main task will be to monitor the process of hiring scientists and their promotion paths. Expenditures envisaged under this task will be for the salaries and mission expenses of the Council's members, as well as for administrative costs related to its functioning.
It is envisaged to create administrative and organizational support for visiting scientists, by defining procedures and providing administrative support to the International Academic Cooperation Department. These measures will increase the efficiency of the functioning of this group of scientists and affect the international image of Gdansk Tech.
Conflict resolution procedures will be defined and a team will be established to monitor and resolve emerging conflicts of interest at the university. This will provide employees with professional development support and a body to turn to in case of any interpersonal difficulties.​​​​​​​

Implementation of the measure will contribute to raising the level of management of the University.

- Establishment of a university-wide HR department to manage human capital: PLN 1.3 million
- Implementation of a new employee recruitment system, taking into account active recruitment of international academic staff: PLN 0.8 million
- Establishment of a Scientific Effectiveness Council to monitor the process of hiring scientists and developing their careers: PLN 1.1 million
- Administrative and organizational support for visiting scientists: PLN 0.7 million
- Definition of conflict resolution procedures and establishment of a team to monitor and resolve conflicts of interest at the university: PLN 0.7 million​​​​​​​

- The establishment of an HR department: 2021
- Establishment and improvement of communication channels and recruitment process: 2021
- establishment of Scientific Effectiveness Council: 2020
- definition of procedures to support visits by non-Polish scientists: 2020
- initiation of a team to monitor conflicts of interest at the university: 2020
A series of organizational improvements are envisaged, such as centralization and unification of services and procedures relevant to the implementation of research work and teaching. This is intended to enable a change from a model in which the university functions as a federation of departments to a model in which uniform standards and rules apply throughout the university, and much of the services are centralized. Unification of procedures for procurement, legal services, purchasing and commissioned research is envisaged.
It is planned to increase the availability of administrative support in English, which involves the translation of many documents currently available only in Polish. Part of the funds will be used for language courses for adm. staff. Redeployment within adm. positions is also envisaged, in order to provide people with good English skills in all areas.
In order to improve the functioning of the administration, a system of evaluations and monitoring of the effectiveness of the activities of the adm.i structures by key stakeholders and top-performing researchers will be implemented.
It is planned to introduce a system of annual surveys on the effectiveness of the work of adm.departments and openness to cooperation with academic staff. The results of the surveys will form the basis for possible organizational changes, .
It is also planned to define and implement a model for horizontal and vertical communication and information exchange. Efficient communication is extremely important, as it affects the efficiency of the entire university. Surveys conducted indicate that communication is not among the strengths of Gdansk Tech. Hence, creating a model and identifying so-called bottlenecks in the flow of information will be an important element of the planned changes.​​​​​​​

Implementation of the measure will contribute to raising the level of management of the University.​​​​​​​

- Centralization and unification of services and procedures key to the implementation of research work and teaching: PLN 0.8 million.
- Introduction of availability of adm. support in English: PLN 0.6 million
- Implementation of a system of evaluation and monitoring of the effectiveness of the activities of adm. structures by stakeholders and scientists with the highest achievements: PLN 0.6 million
- Monitor the effectiveness of adm. in the area of research and teaching in parallel: PLN 0.6 million
- Definition and implementation of a model for horizontal and vertical communication and information exchange: 0.3 million​​​​​​​

- Definition of procedures, start of centralization process: 2021
- introduction of mandatory bilingual documents and adm. service in English: 2020
- introduction of system for monitoring efficiency of adm. structures: 2020
- development of communication model: 2020
implementation of the developed model: 2021
As part of this action, it is planned to carry out analysis, optimization and standardization of project management processes at Gdańsk Tech.
This task will include a review of the procedures and rules and regulations in place at Gdańsk Tech for obtaining funds for research, scientific, educational and infrastructural activities from external sources, as well as how such projects are implemented. An analysis will be carried out of the processes accompanying the implementation of projects, as well as the interdependencies and flow of information between the units involved in the process. The existing project management software (project database) at Gdansk Tech will be analyzed to improve the process of project portfolio management.
As a result of the analysis, a model will be proposed for the operation of the Project Management Office (PMO) - a structure combining central and departmental units. Implementation of the model is expected to optimize the way projects are managed at the university. Some funds have already been obtained for this task as part of the "Integrated Development Program of the Gdansk University of Technology" project, financed from EU funds. Another element improving project management at Gdansk Tech will be training support for teams and project managers in the preparation and implementation of projects. Between 2020 and 2025, 12 training courses are expected to be conducted.
The organization of project management at Gdansk Tech will also include improving access to information about opportunities to raise funds for research. In 2020, it is planned to implement a system of central knowledge about projects and how to implement them, along with a search engine for projects implemented at Gdańsk Tech and a search engine for funding sources when applying for new projects.

Implementation of the action will contribute to raising the level of management of the University.​​​​​​​

- Optimization and standardization of processes related to project management: PLN 0.8 million
- Training for teams and project managers in project preparation and implementation: PLN 0.6 million
- Access to information on opportunities for raising funds for research: PLN 0.2 million​​​​​​​

- Implementation of a project management system: 2021
- launch of training system: 2020 - 2; 2021 - 2; 2022 - 2, 2023 -2; 2024 - 2; 2025 - 2
- implementation of an information system on fundraising opportunities: 2020
The action is aimed at implementing processes to support cooperation with the business environment and training entrepreneurial attitudes among employees and students. Mechanisms will be implemented to support employees in identifying and securing IP of valuable inventions. A 30% increase in the number of applications compared to 2017 is expected. The university will apply for international patents (6-10 per year), which will provide opportunities to increase the technological readiness of inventions and support for their commercialization, creating an internal Proof of Concept and Proof of Princepales fund for active teams. It will also streamline the current operations of technology transfer units, which should allow for the granting of about 15 licenses per year.
Based on the experience of the ePionier acceleration process, which is unique in Poland, a course will be launched for students and employees to prepare teams for the creation of tech companies, the so-called "Start-up School." An internationally recognized pre-acceleration course curriculum will be developed or purchased and made available to students (60-90 per year). It is planned to accelerate 8 teams per year until 2022 and 12 teams per year from 2025. In the third stage, spin-off companies will be created with the participation of these teams, invention rights owners and partner Seed Capital and Venture Capital funds.
A one-stop shop for business contacts will be created, with a coherent strategy for communication and promotion of the research offer to business. Process standards for organizational, administrative and formal-legal handling of research orders as early as 2020 will be developed. The team responsible for selling services and analyzing market needs will be strengthened, with the goal of achieving in 2025. 30% increase (compared to 2017) in services performed on behalf of companies.​​​​​​​

Implementation of the measure will contribute to raising the level of management of the University.

- Development and implementation of processes for commercialization of R&D results: PLN 5.4 million
- "Start-up school" and acceleration of spin-off projects: PLN 4.6 million
- Centralization of sales and promotion processes for research services: PLN 1.5 million

- Implementation of technology transfer procedures - 2020
- International patent applications: 2021 - 6, 2022 - 6, 2023 - 8, 2024 - 8, 2025 - 10
- Launch of "Start-up School" : 2020
- Accelerated start-up projects: 2021 - 6, 2022 - 8, 2023 - 8, 2024 - 12, 2025 - 12
- Revenue from sales of services (combined Gdańsk Tech and SPV): 2021 - PLN 19 million, 2022 - PLN 19 million, 2023 - PLN 20 million, 2024 - PLN 21 million, 2025 - PLN 22 million.
The aim of the task is to standardize the way Gdańsk Tech's research infrastructure is managed based on a process approach, with a particular focus on PRA-related laboratory groups. This approach will allow full utilization of Gdańsk Tech's infrastructure potential and will improve and facilitate access to research apparatus, both for interdisciplinary research groups and for scientists conducting research individually. One of the key factors will be the optimization of processes related to the supervision of research apparatus, and thus maintaining the quality and reliability of the research conducted.
An information system will be prepared to support the management of research infrastructure. The system will include a central database of strategic infrastructure, a system for availability and reservation of research apparatus, and a central system for planning purchases.

Implementation of the measure will contribute to raising the level of management of the University.​​​​​​​

- Optimization and standardization of the research infrastructure management system: PLN 4 million
- Creation of an IT system to manage infrastructure and support its availability: PLN 2.8 million​​​​​​​

MILESTONES:- definition of laboratory groups for each PRA: 2021
- Development of key process map and development of system documentation: 2022
- construction of a central database of strategic research infrastructure: 2022
- creation of an information system on available equipment and a reservation system: 2023
- development of a dedicated infrastructure management support program: 2023.