The Iridium Stimulating Acquisition of Prestigious International Projects program is an element of the Gdansk Tech implementation of the tasks of the IDUB Programme in terms of raising the level of quality of the University's scientific activity under Measure I.3 - "Activities to increase the number of prestigious international projects within priority research areas and their implementation".

The aim of the Programme is to stimulate the acquisition of prestigious international research projects by PG employees, as a result of awarding incentive bonuses, in the form of an allowance for authors or co-authors of proposals and project managers involved in the successful acquisition and implementation of such projects, in particular those implemented under the EU Horizon Europe Framework Programme (including European Research Council - ERC grants). This includes European Research Council (ERC) grants, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) projects, European Innovation Council (EIC) grants and Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area (WIDERA) projects and EURATOM.

For whom?

  • to the individual person who prepared the application to obtain the project and became the project manager;
  • the manager and the members of the team that prepared the proposal to obtain the international grant;

provided that they have not previously been remunerated for their participation in the team preparing the project application, including under the COPERNICIUM grant. In the case of point 2, the percentage contributions of the manager and team members to the preparation of the proposal should be specified in the bonus application.

What you stand to gain?

Incentive bonuses will be awarded upon receipt of funding for a project under:

  1. European Research Council programme in which the principal investigator is a Gdansk Tech employee and Gdansk Tech is the host institution. In the case of an ERC Starting Grant, ERC Consolidator Grant or ERC Advanced Grant the incentive bonus is 50,000 PLN, while in the case of an ERC Proof of Concept Grant the incentive bonus is 20,000 PLN;
  2. ERC Synergy Grant programme funded by the European Research Council programme, for Gdansk Tech as one of the partners. Incentive bonus amount: 40,000 PLN for a high-volume project and PLN 25,000 for a low-volume project;
  3. Pillar II activities of Horizon Europe (RIA, IA, CSA and others) and EUROATOM programme, for Gdansk Tech in the role of coordinator. The amount of the incentive bonus is 30,000 PLN;
  4. Horizon Europe Pillar II activities (RIA, IA, CSA and others) and the Euratom programme, for Gdansk Tech as a partner. The amount of the incentive bonus in this case is 20,000 PLN;
  5. Horizon Europe Pillar III activities, funded from the European Innovation Council (EIC) budget, for Gdansk Tech in the role of coordinator. The amount of the incentive bonus in this case is 25.000 PLN;
  6. Horizon Europe Pillar III actions financed from the European Innovation Council (EIC) budget, for Gdansk Tech in the role of partner. The amount of the incentive bonus in this case is 15.000 PLN;
  7. of the Maria Skłodowska-Curie Action and WIDERA for Gdansk Tech in the role of coordinator of the implemented project. The amount of the incentive bonus in this case is 10,000 PLN;
  8. shares of Maria Skłodowska-Curie and WIDERA for Gdansk Tech in the role of a partner of the implemented project. The amount of the incentive bonus in this case is 5,000 PLN

    How and when to apply for a grant?

    The call for applications under the Copernicium Program is continuous.
    The application must be submitted only in electronic form through the MojaPG system in the Grants Module

    Regulation- only in Polish    FAQ    Submit an application