The Neptunium Enhancing Baltic Region Research Cooperation program is part of the implementation of IDUB's tasks to raise the quality level of the university's scientific activity within the framework of Action II. 2. (Strengthening of scientific cooperation with leading centers from the Baltic Sea Region /RMB/). The program will be implemented within the framework of the activity of the centers of priority research areas of Gdańsk Tech (PRA Centres). The aim of the program is to support and lobby proposals for scientific research conducted in collaboration with scientists from the RMB countries, i.e. Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia. The aim of the Program is to support research proposals made in cooperation with scientists from RMB countries, i.e. Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia as well as Within the Program it is possible to obtain a university grant for financing the costs of Gdańsk Tech's joining the scientific networks or organizations of RMB universities or for establishing research cooperation by Gdańsk Tech teams with the teams from RMB countries. 

For whom?

  • An application for the Program can be submitted by a Gdańsk Tech employee who holds at least a doctoral degree and works at the university as the main place of employment.
  • An application in the Program, which has already been evaluated and has not been granted, may be resubmitted no earlier than after two years.

What you stand to gain?

  • The planned project budget within the Program cannot exceed PLN 50 000 gross for an application concerning Gdańsk Tech's accession to a network/organisation of RMB HEIs and PLN 70 000 gross for an application concerning the establishment of research co-operation.
  • The maximum project duration is 12 months. 

Direct project costs include:

1) for a project for PG's entry into a RMB scientific network or higher education organization,

  • costs associated with the contacts necessary to initiate PG's participation in a RMB scientific network or higher education organization;
  • costs associated with PG's participation in the activities of the network or RMB higher education organization, including the fee for the first year of participation.

2) For a proposal to establish a research collaboration:

  • costs of short-term trips to a RMB academic unit to establish research collaboration;
  • Costs to conduct exploratory research necessary to initiate a research collaboration with an RMB scientific entity (maximum 50% of direct costs).
  • Eligible costs under the grant are governed in detail by the Catalog of Eligible Costs for IDUB Activities and the regulations included in Neptunium's documentation.

How and when to apply for a grant?

Funds under the Program are awarded on a continuous basis. 
Applications should be submitted electronically only through the MojaPG system in the Grants Module.

Regulation - only in Polish  Tutorial    FAQ    Submit an application