In 2019. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education. held the first competition under the "Initiative of Excellence - Research University" (IDUB) program, which proved to be a big step for the science and higher education system. The top 20 universities in the country were qualified to participate in the 1st IDUB Competition. All of them met the statutory conditions for scientific categories obtained during the last comprehensive evaluation of scientific units in terms of the number of fields and disciplines in which the university conducts scientific activity. In addition, none of the fields of study conducted by the university could have a negative evaluation by the Polish Accreditation Commission. As a result of the 1st IDUB Competition, 10 HEIs, out of 20 eligible to participate in the competition, receive an increased grant of 10% in 2020-2026 for the implementation of development plans included in the competition applications.

Gdansk University of Technology was ranked 2nd in the competition, and the applications were evaluated in terms of, among other things:

  • substantive level,
  • relevance of the assumed objectives for raising the international importance of the university's activities,
  • relevance of the activities described to the assumed objectives,
  • potential of the university.

 The full list of winners and the evaluation of the competition application is available below: