Date added: 2025-01-09
Gain a bonus for submitting a research project proposal

The program is aimed at supporting the activity of acquiring competitive scientific projects by employees of the Gdansk University of Technology.
For whom?
Employees of Gdansk University of Technology and doctoral students from the Doctoral School of Gdansk University of Technology.
What you stand to gain?
The funds under the WOLFRAMIUM Program are allocated for incentive allowances (applies only to Gdańsk Tech employees) / scholarship, for the author and/or co-authors of submitted project applications to external institutions funding and co-financing projects in accordance with Article 365 paragraphs 7 and 9-12 of the Law on Higher Education and Science of July 20, 2018, as amended, covered by the Program. For projects with a value of up to PLN 50,000, only the project acquisition applicant, who will be the project manager, is entitled to the allowance / scholarship.
The period for which the bonus can be obtained?
The program applies to projects acquired in the period from 1.09.2024 to 31.12.2025, with the application to project financing / co-financing institutions to be submitted no earlier than 1.09.2024.
How and when to submit a grant application?
Applications can be submitted through the MojaPG page in the Grants Module.
Please note
Before submitting an application, please read the rules and regulations of the program
IDUB Office Closure on December 27, 2024