Shortened working hours of the Project Management Center and IDUB Office on 19.12.2022.
We kindly inform you that on December 19, 2022, the Project Management Center and the IDUB Office will work until 11:00 a.m. Please take this information into account for cases referred to the PMO and the IDUB Office.
Call for applications in the 3rd edition of the Radon Supporting Most Talented Students program (15.12.22-15.01.2023)
The Radon program is part of the implementation of the IDUB program's tasks to improve the quality of student education, particularly in the fields and disciplines of study related to the university's priority research areas (POBs). Recruitment in the program will run from 15.12.22 to 15.01.2023. Budget and conditions for project implementation The stipend in the program is PLN...
Call for applications in the 3rd edition of the Francium Supporting Outstanding Doctoral Candidates program
Within the framework of the program, pro-quality scholarships are awarded to outstanding participants in the Doctoral School, especially to doctoral students conducting research in international cooperation. Scholarship recipients Applications for the scholarship may be submitted by participants in the Doctoral School of the second, third or fourth year who meet the minimum conditions,...
Radium program extension until November 30, 2022
Under the RADIUM Program, it is possible to obtain a university grant to finance the costs of ongoing research by second-level students in Individual Research Studies. The RADIUM program is planned from the summer semester of the 2022/2023 academic year. Radium recruitment extended until November 30 Budget and funding conditions The condition for participation in the RADIUM Program...
Intructions for filling out applications in the grants module
Starting in 2022, new calls for the Argentum, Aurum, Plutonium and Technetium programs will be conducted online. Applications should only be submitted electronically through the MojaPG system in the Grants Module We invite you to read the instructions for preparing the application. Reminder that, the call for proposals in the Argentum and Aurum programs lasts until December 2, 2022...
Call for applications in the Actinium Supporting Most Talented Candidates program is underway (14.10-14.11)
The goal of the program is to increase the effectiveness of Gdansk University of Technology in competing for the most talented candidates for studies, in fields corresponding to the subject matter of POB Centers. The way to achieve the goal is through scholarships for particularly talented, based on the achievements obtained at the previous educational stage, students entering full-time studies...
Absence on October 31, 2022
We would like to inform that on October 31, 2022 the IDUB Office will be closed
Call for 3rd edition of Plutonium Supporting Student Research Teams (24.10-9.12.22)
The aim of the Program is to support the activities of student research clubs, which constitute the natural environment for the selection of leaders of research groups, organizational leaders and leaders initiating new research areas. Please note The application must be submitted electronically only through the MojaPG system in the Grants Module Budget and project financing...