1st Conference of IDUB teams - Gdańsk, 27-28 October 2022

During the 1st conference at which the teams coordinating the implementation of the ‘Excellence Initiative - Research University’ programme met (27-28 October), the following were discussed: internal regulations of the universities concerning IDUB funding, activities implementing the indicators and preparation for the IDUB mid-term evaluation in 2023.

Representatives of the IDUB office from the Gdansk Tech presented key solutions used at University and the newly created ‘Grants’ module, which is a modern tool used to submit grant applications. The scope of activities of the university's scientific research centres and research and implementation centres was also presented. The meeting also addressed sensitive topics for all participants regarding the implementation of the initiative in individual units. Overarching issues included good practices and implemented and planned solutions for the issues identified in the conference panels. Representatives of the universities also shared their methods and ideas for emerging challenges, and presented the flagship activities of the individual facilities including spec programmes for Ukraine assistance, among others. Participants described the approach of individual universities to the creation of interuniversity associations/federations.


2nd Conference of IDUB teams - Warsaw, 11-12 May 2023r

The 2nd conference of the teams implementing the ‘Excellence Initiative - Research University’ Programme was devoted to the mid-term evaluation of the Programme. The conference was attended by representatives of the Science Department of the Ministry of Education and Science (MEiN) and the Information Processing Centre - National Research Institute (OPI-PIB), who gave presentations on the preparation of the mid-term report and the planned course of the evaluation. They also provided answers to questions, both substantive and technical, related to the reporting of the IDUB Programme. Participants analysed insights from the implementation of the Programme at individual universities and shared lessons learned and good practices. Finally, the challenges for the next years, the implementation of the IDUB Programme of individual universities to the creation of interuniversity associations/federations, were discussed.