Członkowie ISEB w Sali Senatu. Od lewej: Sławomir Smoleń, Marc Zolver, Francisco José Mora Más, Mika Hannula, Eugenijus Valatka (brakuje Roberto Zanino, który dołączył wieczorem 2 grudnia). Fot. Krzysztof Krzempek / Politechnika Gdańska

ISEB board, on the left: Sławomir Smoleń, Marc Zolver, Francisco José Mora Más, Mika Hannula, Eugenijus Valatka (None in the photo Roberto Zanino). Fot. Krzysztof Krzempek / Gdańsk Tech


The International Scientific Effectiveness Board - ISEB was established to enhance the quality of the university's management, and to help set the direction for pro-quality organisational change. The Board's activities are part of a stronger incorporation of an external perspective in the management of the university as envisaged in the IDUB proposal. The Council is also tasked with evaluating the activities of the scientific teams and the effectiveness of the spending of IDUB funds.


The International Council for Scientific Effectiveness is composed of experts - specialists in priority research areas. 

The board members include:

He has held a number of leadership positions at the UPV, including Vice-Chancellor for International Exchanges, Vice-Chancellor for Economic Coordination and Planning and Vice-Chancellor for Planning and Innovation and Rector of the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia from 2017 to 2020. Vice-Chairman of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities and the Spanish Association of Science and Technology Parks, Chairman of the entrepreneurship network ‘RedEmprendia’.

  • Mika Hannula (Vice Rector, University Management, University of Turku, Finland)

Chairman of the Board, Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK. Expert in general management and change management, industry-university cooperation, learning environments, strategic planning, higher education, ICT and entrepreneurship. 

Head of the Institute and Laboratory of Energy Engineering. Faculty coordinator for international cooperation. Prof. Smoleń is a recipient of the Medal for Merits to the Gdańsk University of Technology and of the Golden Badge of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (currently Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Shipbuilding) for supporting activities related to the development and promotion of the Faculty abroad.

Chairman of the Conference of Rectors of Lithuanian Universities and the Santaka Integrated Centre (Valley) of Science, Studies and Business; member of the Board of Directors of Lithuanian Radio and Television, the Education Council of Lithuania, the Scientific Council of the Lithuanian Energy Institute and the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE).

  • Roberto Zanino (Rector's representative for doctoral programmes and international university networks, Politecnico di Torino, Italy)

Member of the Executive Board of CESAER and the Steering Committee of UNITE! European University Alliance. Vice-President of the Italian University Consortium for Nuclear Technology (CIRTEN) and member of the EURATOM Scientific and Technical Committee. Senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). He is also a member of the American Nuclear Society (ANS), and the American Society of Electrical Engineers. Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and the International Solar Energy Society (ISES). At ASME, he serves as a member of the VV30 subcommittee on verification and validation issues in nuclear applications.

  • Marc Zolver (Dean of International Affairs and Partnerships, Director of International Affairs and Partnerships for CentraleSupélec, CentraleSupélec / Université Paris-Saclay, France)

A founding member of Université Paris-Saclay at the time of the merger of Ecole Centrale Paris and Supélec, he became Vice President for International Affairs at CentraleSupélec, now a constituent institution of Université Paris-Saclay. Member of the board of the CESAER association.

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