• 2020-11-24

    Artificial Intelligence - online seminar on 26 November

    AI Bay Club from GUT and DIH4.AI (Digital Innovation Hub) invite you to a seminar with a series of 3 lectures. The seminar will be held online on Thursday 26 November. Seminar program: 17.30-18.05: High Performance, Green Machine Learning for Embedded Edge Systems, David Gamba and Alicja Kwaśniewska, (SiMa.ai, CA, USA) 18.05-18.40: ML and Data Classification, John Saunders, (Titus and...

  • 2020-11-20

    Prof. Jacek Namieśnik is yet again among the most cited scientists in the world

    Prof. Jacek Namieśnik, PhD, DSc, Eng. the late rector of Gdańsk University of Technology, who died in April 2019, is once again on the prestigious list of the world's most cited scientists. On the Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers 2020 list, there are only three names of scientists from Polish universities. Clarivate (formerly Thomson Reuters) is a global set of the most cited scientists...

  • 2020-11-17

    Call for applications for two programs for GUT scientists

    Receipt of applications for two programs, which are part of the implementation of EIRU tasks in the field of the quality of education of students and doctoral students - Plutonium and Technetium, has started. Applications for grants may be presented by research clubs and academic teachers mentoring especially gifted students. Up to PLN 300 000 can be obtained by a research club that will take...

  • 2020-11-05

    The international Galileo Award for an architect from GUT

    Dr. Eng. Arch. Karolina Zielińska-Dąbkowska, assistant professor at the Department of Urban Architecture and Waterscapes, Faculty of Architecture GUT, was awarded the international Galileo Award 2020, by the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) which is based in the USA. The Galileo Award was established by the IDA Europe in 2003 and has traditionally been presented at the European...

  • 2020-11-05

    Lost equipment in hospitals will no longer be a problem

    Specialized equipment for examinations at patients' beds, portable x-ray or ECG devices, or even wheelchairs - searching round the hospital for the appropriate medical equipment often wastes a lot of staff’s time that could be spent on helping patients. However, thanks to the technology of scientists from the GUT Department of Microwave and Antenna Engineering, it will be possible to overcome...

  • 2020-10-23

    The Dean of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering is a member of the Scientific Council of GDDKiA

    PhD, DSc, Eng. Joanna Żukowska, university professor, dean of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Gdańsk University of Technology, has been appointed to the group of experts of the Scientific Council by the General Director of National Roads and Motorways. Prof. Joanna Żukowska has joined the group of scientists advising the General Director of National Roads and Motorways...

  • 2020-10-22

    Scientist awarded for research on the strength of materials

    PhD, Eng. Krzysztof Żerdzicki from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering received the award of the Gdańsk Scientific Society and the Mayor of Gdańsk, which was awarded for the 45th time to young scientists for outstanding scientific achievements. Currently, the scientist mainly deals with the experimental mechanics of thigh bone fractures. PhD, Eng. Krzysztof Żerdzicki was...

  • 2020-10-12

    More effective fight against kidney tumors thanks to GUT scientists and students

    Scientists and students from Gdańsk University of Technology have developed an innovative system for recognizing the malignancy of kidney tumors. Thanks to it, a more accurate diagnosis will be possible, as well as reducing the number of unnecessary surgeries that put patients' health and life at risk. Most of the patients who develop kidney tumors are the elderly, for whom surgery to remove...