• 2021-09-08

    Cosmetics based on carrot pomace extracts. This is how biomass can be used

    Natural cosmetics based on carrot pomace extracts or bioplastics from potato leftovers - such can be the use of biomass, so far considered useless waste. This is the result of the research carried out under the project BioBIGG: Bioeconomics in the South Baltic Area: Innovations based on the use of biomass and the development of green areas. Gdańsk University of Technology was one of the...

  • 2021-08-30

    Our scientists study the impact of climate change on the chemical composition of Siberian steppe

    As part of the PollAct project, researchers from Gdańsk University of Technology are analyzing the impact of climate change on the presence of pollutants released from long-term permafrost in Siberia. They took part in a summer research expedition to the Northeast Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences (NESS RAN) in Kolyma, where permafrost occurs in the form of massive layers of...

  • 2021-07-16

    Gdańsk University of Technology joined the international network for measuring sky glow

    Gdańsk University of Technology is the first research unit in Poland to join the international network Globe at Night - Sky Brightness Monitoring Network (GaN-MN) for global night sky brightness monitoring. Measurements are performed using a specialized SQM-LE sensor by Unihedron, designed for long-term monitoring. The entire network includes 64 sensors located in 19 countries around the...

  • 2021-07-13

    Beata Zima, PhD, Eng. and Tomasz Majchrzak, PhD, Eng. with the award of the Gdańsk Scientific Society

    Beata Zima, PhD, Eng. from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Tomasz Majchrzak, PhD, Eng. from the Faculty of Chemistry received scientific awards of the Gdańsk Scientific Society and the Mayor of Gdańsk for outstanding scientific achievements Every year, the Mayor of the City of Gdańsk and the Gdańsk Scientific Society award five equal awards to young scientists, up to...

  • 2021-07-13

    Development of research and teaching infrastructure of the university. New admission in competitions

    The modernization of the university's educational facilities for modern student education and the creation of a research infrastructure with an implemented system of efficient management, in which world-class research will be conducted, is the goal of two programs - Gdańsk Tech Core Edu Facilities and Gdańsk Tech Core Research Facilities. The admission process in both programs has just...

  • 2021-07-06

    ILLUME scientists on the Technical Committee of the International Commission on Lighting (CIE)

    Karolina Zielińska-Dąbkowska, PhD, Eng., Arch., from the Faculty of Architecture, Katarzyna Bobkowska, PhD, Eng., and Paweł Burdziakowski, PhD, Eng., from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, active in the ILLUME research group within the EkoTech Center, were appointed to be members of the technical committee of the International Commission on Illumination - TC 2-95:...

  • 2021-06-22

    Prestigious FPS scholarships for researchers from Gdańsk Tech

    Beata Zima, PhD, Eng. from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Paulina Parcheta-Szwindowska, PhD, Eng. from the Faculty of Chemistry and PhD student, MSc. Karolina Górnicka from the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics are among the prestigious winners of the START scholarship program of the Foundation for the Development of Polish Science. Beata Zima, PhD, Eng. is an...

  • 2021-06-21

    Over one million zlotys for increasing the knowledge and technology transfer in the Palladium program

    Eight projects in the area of increasing the knowledge and technology transfer, dedicated to the development of new or increasing the attractiveness of the existing research services provided by Gdańsk University of Technology received funding under the Palladium Supporting New R&D Services program for a total value of over PLN 1 million.   11 applications were submitted for the completed...