Call for applications in the Polonium program (19.12.24-06.01.25) | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-12-18

Call for applications in the Polonium program (19.12.24-06.01.25)


The aim of the Polonium program is to increase the effectiveness of the university in attracting the most talented candidates from outside Poland to study at the PhD School at the Gdansk University of Technology.

Please note

There has been a change in the regulations, please read the new provisions and application instructions before submitting an application. 

The most important changes introduced:

  • doctoral students of the 1st and 2nd year of doctoral school can participate in the program 
  • change of sum limit and participation criteria for employment.
  • change of the submission deadline
For whom?

Applications for the supplementary fellowship may only be submitted by persons admitted to the Doctoral School at Gdansk University of Technology, beginning their first-year education and on their  second year, whose academic supervisor is an employee of Gdansk University of Technology and who have not previously been doctoral students at Gdansk University of Technology, fulfilling the terms of the rules.

What you stand to gain?
  • The scholarship in the program is a maximum of PLN 2,500 gross per month and is awarded for a maximum of 12 months. 
  • Payment of the stipend can begin only after the competition has been settled and the status of a doctoral student has been achieved, i.e. after arrival in Poland, presentation of the original documents constituting the basis for admission to the school, taking the oath and declarations necessary for payment of the doctoral stipend, and entry into the list of doctoral students.
  • Scholarships will be paid only by bank transfer to the account indicated by the doctoral student in the computer system of the MojaPG university.
  • A doctoral student who receives in total from all sources of income - all stipends and salaries from employment, including employment contracts, contracts to perform a specific task, self-employment contracts and running a business, an amount exceeding PLN 8,000 gross per month may not apply for the supplementary scholarship. The limit of PLN 8,000 gross should be understood as the arithmetic average of the sum of all salaries
    and scholarships from the last three months preceding the submission of the application in the program, obtained from the Gdansk University of Technology and other sources outside the University. The PLN 8,000 limit does not include research scholarships from research projects financed from external sources, carried out at Gdansk University of Technology, as well as travel scholarships and bonuses for publications 
How and when to apply for a grant?
  • Funds under the Program are awarded on a competitive basis.
  • The call lasts from 19.12.24 to 06.01.25
  • Applications can be submitted through the My PG page in the Grants module. 
