Invitation to the ERC4PG conference | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-05-22

Invitation to the ERC4PG conference


The Project Management Office invites to the conference entitled: "ERC grants - the path from preparation to acquisition", which will take place on May 24 this year from 10.00 a.m. to 1.40 p.m. at Gdańsk University of Technology in the Senate Hall.

The meeting will feature lectures by representatives of the European Research Council, prof. Leszek Kaczmarek and prof. Andrzej Jajszczyk. In addition, the beneficiary of the ERC grant Łukasz Sterczewski, PhD, Eng.  from the Wrocław University of Science and Technology - will share his experiences.

Additionally, a speech and an individual consultation session with Katarzyna Kubica-Oroń, an expert on ERC grants from the National Contact Point for EU Research Programs, are also planned.

Prior registration is required for the conference.

The number of places is limited, applications are on a first-come, first-served basis.

Contact regarding the conference:

Conference program