The final ceremony of the "Bike to University" campaign! | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-10-26

The final ceremony of the "Bike to University" campaign!

"Bike to University" campaign!
The closing ceremony of the "Bike to University" campaign was held on October 21th. The campaign was organized by Gdańsk Tech and the University of Gdańsk, which cooperate as the Fahrenheit University Association. 

From May to September, more than 260 employees of the Gdańsk Tech registered their bicycle or scooter rides to and from work in a system specially prepared by the IT Services Centre (CUI), and received gadgets useful in their daily bicycle trips. Employees registered a total of 11 867 trips and rode a total of more than 90 000 kilometers, which is more than twice the circumference of the Earth! The best participant of the campaign rode more than 3 000 kilometers! As a result, they saved more than 10 thousand kg of CO2 not emitted into the atmosphere and did not burn 7200 liters of petrol. These are the most important environmental effects, which are a benefit to everyone.

During the finale, the campaign was summed up, all commuters were thanked, while participants in the finale were able to test their knowledge of unicycles during a special quiz. Special thanks are due to the staff of IT Services Centre, who efficiently prepared a fully functional IT system, that was the basis for the submission of data by the Campaign participants.
The winners of the campaign:

- 1st place: Marta Rogowska from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engeneering
- II place: Jan Wojtkiewicz from from the Faculty of Electronics,Telecommunications and Informatics
- III place: Piotr Krzeminski from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engeneering

The prizes were presented to the winners by the Vice-Rector for Organization and Development - Prof. Dariusz Mikielewicz. 

We would like to thank all employees who took part in the Campaign. We encourage you to travel by bicycle as often as possible in the next edition of the event!

Photos by K. Krzempek