Awarding the "Entrepreneurial University Accreditation" certificate to the Gdańsk University of Technology during the ACEEU Forum in Lisbon | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-09-24

Awarding the "Entrepreneurial University Accreditation" certificate to the Gdańsk University of Technology during the ACEEU Forum in Lisbon

ACEEU Certificate
Gdańsk University of Technology received the "Entrepreneurial University Accreditation" certificate. The recognition ceremony took place on September 19, 2024 during the ACEEU Stakeholder Forum in Lisbon. The award was received on behalf of the Gdańsk University of Technology by Agnieszka Cholewińska and Anna Tomkiel from the Strategic Analysis Center.

Gdańsk University of Technology is the first technical university in the world with dual ACEEU accreditation.

Participation in the ACEEU Stakeholder Forum is also an opportunity to exchange experiences between universities. This year's main theme was the aspect of entrepreneurship in research and science.

ACEEU (Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities) is an international organization founded in 2016 that specializes in recognizing and supporting the entrepreneurial and engaged potential of universities at institutional and departmental levels.

The certificate is awarded to universities that conduct effective and innovative activities aimed at exerting a positive impact on the social environment.

The ACEEU "Engaged University Acreditation" accreditation was financed under the "Foreign Accreditations" project, POWER.03.03.00-00-P004/16. The amount of co-financing was PLN 133 874,13.