International ACEEU accreditation for Gdańsk University of Technology | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-06-30

International ACEEU accreditation for Gdańsk University of Technology

Certificate of Engaged University Accreditation
On 28 of June, during the ACEEU Stakeholders Forum 2023 in Barcelona, ​​Gdańsk University of Technology received the Certificate of Engaged University Accreditation issued by the Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities.

The accreditation process lasted from October 2021 and consisted of several stages, including the creation of a self-evaluation report, on-site visit, assessment and completation the required information. The evaluation was carried out by an international group of experts from Germany, Great Britain, Poland, the United States and Chile.

‘The ACEEU accreditation received by Gdańsk University of Technology is particularly important to us, because the Third Mission of the university is as important to us as research and education. Gdańsk Tech can be proud of this distinction as one of three universities in Poland and a dozen in the world’ - said prof. Dariusz Mikielewicz, vice-rector for organization and development.

ACEEU (Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities) is an international organization founded in 2016, specialising in acknowledging and fostering entrepreneurial and engaged potential of universities on institutional and divisional levels.

During the ACEEU Stakeholder Forum, Gdańsk University of Technology was represented by Agnieszka Cholewińska and Barbara Urbańska from Strategic Analysis Center, responsible for coordinating the process of obtaining international accreditation.

The ACEEU "Engaged University Acreditation" accreditation was financed under the "Foreign Accreditations" project, POWER.03.03.00-00-P004/16. The amount of co-financing was PLN 133 874,13.