National Conference of the National Representation of Graduate Students | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-04-26

National Conference of the National Representation of Graduate Students

PHD students photo during the Conference
From the left: Adam Olszewski, Aleksandra Ławniczak, Agnieszka Lendzion, Maciej Jasiński, Michał Klimczyk, Jakub Baczyński-Keller, Paweł Noceń, Rengel Sia Cane

The National Conference of the National Representation of Doctoral Students is being held in Gdańsk on April 25-28, co-organized by the Doctoral Student Governments of Gdańsk University of Technology, the Medical University of Gdańsk and the University of Gdańsk.

The organized event is intended to contribute to the integration of the doctoral community, strengthening its subjectivity in the academic environment, as well as tightening cooperation within the higher education and science sector. This year's conference was organized with the multidimensional nature of doctoral life in mind, with the particular aim of addressing issues relating to among others doctoral students with specific needs, as well as substantive coverage of topics related to soft skills and additional activities of young scientists, such as popularization activities. During the Conference, issues related to the beginning process of evaluating the quality of education in doctoral schools and the upcoming amendment to the Law on Higher Education and Science will also be discussed.

The conference at Gdańsk University of Technology was opened by M.Sc. Eng. Michał Klimczyk, chairman of the National Representation of Doctoral Students. The audience was also welcomed by prof. Marcin Gruchała, rector of GUMed and M.Sc. Eng. Ignacy Rogoń, chairman of Doctoral Student Council of Gdańsk Tech. Briefly spoken by prof. Marcin Pałys, chairman of the Central Council of Science and Higher Education and prof. Jan Szmidt, Honorary Chairman of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Academic Schools.