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On September 14, 2023, the 1st Early Career Researcher Day took place. It consisted of 3 panels:

1. A popular science lecture on how to popularize science in an accessible way by Dawid Myśliwiec of "Naukowy Bełkot".

Dawid Myśliwiec is a PhD of chemical sciences, a Polish internet creator, founder of two popular science YouTube channels - "Uwaga! Naukowy Bełkot" and "Wyłącznie Naukowy Bełkot", where you can find film on various issues from different fields of science, scientific interesting facts and the author's podcast "Godzina Przegadana". Dawid regularly appears at national science festivals and science competitions since 2010.

2. Q&A with Rector

Prof. Krzysztof Wilde, Rector of Gdańsk Tech, answered over 20 questions, very diverse and sometimes difficult, asked by participants during registration and those directly taking part in the event. There were questions about the scientific position of our University, the use of ChatGPT, support for PhD supervisory care, providing laboratory space for joint work of young researchers, preparing a social fund for PhD students, but also about the greenery in front of the Main Building. The Rector expressed his willingness to repeat the Q&A meetings.

3. Science Dating

Young researchers had the opportunity to establish scientific cooperation during scientific dates that lasted just a few minutes.

An additional attraction of the event was the participation of chemists from the TECH-POL Polymer Technology Scientific Association, who served a dose of knowledge along with delicious ice cream prepared using liquid nitrogen.

The 1st Young Researchers Day was very positively received by young and experienced researchers, students and administration employees of our University.

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