FAQ is a collection of frequently asked questions was created to facilitate your access to information related to the application, implementation and settlement of projects implemented under the structural funds.

1. general remarks on the application of templates of employment contracts/annexes to employment contracts 16a-16f 16i-16j in the Projects, which are an integral part of the opinion to the templates.

When applying the templates, it is necessary to take into account the totality of the employee's situation (previous terms and conditions of employment, including the content of the employment contract and the content of any other concluded annexes to the employment contract), comply with generally applicable laws, the Labor Regulations (RP PG), the PG Remuneration Regulations (RW PG), and the guidelines to the funds, as well as the overall requirements for the project in question Particular attention should be paid to the necessity of applying and completing model labor contracts/annexes to labor contracts related to project employment in accordance with generally applicable labor laws, forms and principles of remuneration provided for in the PG Remuneration Regulations (RW PG), as well as adherence to the deadlines for payment of remuneration components specified in the RP PG and RW PG. Remuneration allowances should be granted and determined in an amount and manner adequate to the rules provided in the Remuneration Regulations for the specific allowance and in accordance with the requirements and guidelines for the Project, including in accordance with the provisions of the entire project documentation (including, but not limited to, the application for funding, the grant agreement/competition documentation, the salary budget).
In determining the amount of remuneration, the principles of sound financial management should be observed, as well as other principles of management of public funds, which apply to the University in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Public Finance. One should bear in mind the discipline of public finances, the principles of efficiency and rationality of expenditure, proportionality to the time of work in the project or, finally, that in EU projects the amount of remuneration should correspond to the rates actually applied at the Beneficiary outside the projects co-financed from the structural funds and the SF in analogous positions or in positions requiring analogous qualifications, as well as that the principles of granting an allowance should be the same for personnel involved in the implementation of projects and other employees of the Beneficiary.

According to §30 of the PG Salary Regulations:
The project implementation allowance is granted by the Rector respectively:
- at the request of the head of the unit/project approved by the head of the unit in which the employee is employed;
- at the request of the head of the venture accepted by the head of another organizational unit implementing the venture, positively approved by the head of the unit in which the employee is employed.
Similarly, although with some differences when it comes to other allowances.
The above principle should be strictly observed from the formal side, taking into account the differences in the scope of individual allowances written in the PG RW.
Extension of existing duties/activities, paid with an allowance, must be in accordance with the labor laws in force in this regard and must not result in overtime/overtime work. The working hours must not exceed 1/1 FTE.
It should not be overlooked that in the task-based system of working time (here, university teachers), the employer, after agreement with the employee, determines the time necessary to perform the assigned tasks, taking into account the size of the working time, resulting from the standards applicable to the employee (Article 140 of the Code of Labor). Tasks under the task-based working time system must be established in such a way that they can be performed within the working time norms. The ordering of tasks to an employee, the performance of which is impossible during normal working hours, is qualified by the courts as equivalent to an order to provide work in excess of working time norms, resulting in a right to overtime/overtime pay.

2 What are Structural Funds?

Structural Funds are funds created in the budget of the European Community (Council Regulation No. 1083 of July 11, 2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and repealing Regulation(EC) No. 1260/1999) to help restructure and modernize the economies of member states through intervention in key sectors and regions (structural improvement). There are currently two structural funds in operation:
- European Regional Development Fund (Regulation (EC) No. 1080/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of July 5, 2006 on the European Regional Development Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No. 1783/1999),

3 What are individual projects? 

Individual projects are characterized by strategic importance for the implementation of the program and are indicated by the Managing Authority. The Managing Authority or Intermediate Body may also indicate by name the beneficiary of an individual project. Implementation of individual projects is possible only in problem areas specified by the Managing Authority for particular areas of support. These areas should result directly from sectoral, provincial strategies or other programs adopted for a given area of support.

4 What is the so-called "Cross-financing"?

Cross-financing is a flexible way of financing projects, consisting in co-financing within the framework of a project with ERDF funds of complementary activities falling within the scope of the ESF and co-financing within the framework of a project with ESF funds of complementary activities falling within the scope of the ERDF.
In other words, if the project relates to an infrastructural investment, it is possible to include in the project the so-called soft expenditures (i.e., for example, the cost of training or counseling), provided that incurring such expenditures is justified by achieving the cohesion of the project. Similarly, if the project is soft in nature (i.e., it concerns training, consulting, raising competencies, introducing new organizational solutions, etc.) it is possible to supplement the project with some material expenses (such as equipment), but only those that are necessary for the implementation and success of the project.

5 When can an expense be considered eligible?

An expense is eligible if it was incurred as part of an approved project implemented with the participation of European Funds. The eligibility of expenses is determined in turn by the Community regulations, the provisions contained in the details of the programs, and possibly additionally by other regulations established by the managing authority.

6 What does it mean that the competition is "closed"?

This means that the call for applications is carried out in a limited time frame, such as in the case of competitions of the OP IE Priority II, lasting from 22.02 to 29.08. 2008.

7 What is the definition of a scientific unit?

Scientific units are those conducting scientific research or development work on a continuous basis:
(a) basic organizational units of universities or higher vocational schools within the meaning of the statutes of these schools,
b) scientific establishments of the Polish Academy of Sciences,
c) research and development units,
d) international scientific institutes established under separate regulations,
e) organizational units with the status of a research and development unit,
f) the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences,
g) other organizational units, not listed in letters a-f, having legal personality and seat in Poland.

8 What is a scientific and industrial consortium?

It is a group of organizational units, consisting of at least one scientific unit and at least one entrepreneur, undertaking under a civil-legal agreement a joint venture involving scientific research, development work or investment serving the needs of scientific research or development work.

9 What is the difference between a "partner" and a "subcontractor"?

Partnership is based on a commitment to act together to achieve a designated goal. Partnership is treated as taking action on the basis of a common strategy and the development of a developed approach to specific problems. In such a partnership, the individual partners should combine efforts and resources to find innovative solutions to common goals and jointly defined problems. Subcontracting, on the other hand, is the case when the beneficiary (project proponent) assumes the outsourcing of certain services under the project to an entity providing services in a particular field on a commercial basis.

What are the consequences of failure to achieve the product and/or result indicators of the project, assumed in the application for funding and confirmed in the funding agreement?
If the project fails to achieve the indicators, the Funding Authority may terminate the project funding agreement with immediate effect. Therefore, it is advisable that if the Beneficiary notices at an early stage a threat to the realization of the project indicators, he should as soon as possible enter into discussions with the Financing Authority in order to renegotiate the grant agreement.  

10 What are the consequences of failure to achieve the product and/or result indicators of the project assumed in the grant application and confirmed in the grant agreement?

If it is found that the indicators are not achieved in the project, the Funding Authority may terminate the project funding agreement with immediate effect. Therefore, it is advisable that if the Beneficiary notices at an early stage a threat to the realization of the project indicators, he should as soon as possible enter into discussions with the Financing Authority in order to renegotiate the grant agreement.

11. is it possible to obtain funding for doctoral studies from EU funds?

There is no possibility for individual funding of doctoral studies from the European Funds, since it is the universities that can submit projects to support the courses they create. The options available individually, however, are:
- searching for an interesting course among the offers of universities - perhaps one offers studies subsidized by the Funds. The website www.inwestycjawkadry.info.pl can be a facilitation.
- application for support of a research project, which is the basis for writing a doctoral thesis. This is done within the framework of the Innovative Economy Program under Measure 1.2 Strengthening the human potential of science. This is handled by the Foundation for Polish Science www.fnp.org.pl. Information about Measure 1.2 can be found in the document "Detailed description of priorities of the Innovative Economy Program". The document should be searched for at http://www.poig.gov.pl/DOKUMENTY/Strony/Dokumenty.aspx
- under the Human Capital Program, Sub-measure 8.2.2 Regional Innovation Strategies, it will be possible to apply for scientific scholarships for doctoral students studying majors considered particularly important from the point of view of the development of the province (defined in the Regional Innovation Strategy of the given province). Sub-measure 8.2.2 is handled by individual Marshal Offices

12 What are the examples of opportunities to support the educational activities of higher education institutions?

In the Human Capital Program, under Sub-measure 4.1.1 Strengthening of didactic potential of universities, it is possible to subsidize university development programs that include:

- preparation, opening and implementation of new fields of study, postgraduate studies, doctoral studies (including interdisciplinary doctoral studies) and adaptation of programs in existing fields of study to the needs of the labor market and knowledge-based economy
- expanding the educational offer of universities with optional classes in the form of compensatory programs for students in mathematics and physics, as well as programs aimed at people outside the academic community (increasing the share of higher education in lifelong learning)
- development of curricula and teaching materials and implementation of educational programs using distance learning methods and techniques (studies, postgraduate studies, courses)
- cooperation of universities with employers in strengthening the practical elements of teaching (internships and student placements) and increasing the involvement of employers in the implementation of curricula
- better preparation of graduates to enter the labor market, among other things, through the support of academic career offices operating at the university
- raising the didactic competencies of academic staff in order to increase the quality of teaching
- raising the competence of management staff in the field of university management (including financial management and raising funds for development purposes)
- organizing internships and training in leading foreign and domestic academic and scientific research centers for the teaching staff of the university useful for conducting teaching work (including internships for doctoral students and postdoctoral internships)
- scholarships for doctoral students, young doctoral students (postdocs) and visiting professors employed at higher education institutions in fields of particular importance for the development of the economy
- projects aimed at disabled students to enable them to take advantage of the full educational offer of the university
- Implementation of quality management models in higher education institutions (in particular, those developed as part of system support under Sub-measure 4.1.3)
For more information about Sub-measure 4.1.1 and other support opportunities, see the document Detailed Description of Priorities of the Human Capital Operational Program at www.efs.gov.pl

Sub-measure 4.1.1 is implemented by the Minister responsible for higher education. Detailed information can be obtained from the Department of Implementation and Innovation at the Ministry of Higher Education.

Please address individual questions directly to the Center's staff (Building B - Room 402A) or direct them to the department's common address: projekty@pg.edu.pl. A selection of them, along with answers, will also be published on the FAQ.