NOTE: In the AY. 2024/2025 in accordance with the new Regulations of the Doctoral School effective from 1 October 2024, there have been changes in this regard. The IPB template has also changed, which is available under: Doctoral Students -> Formalities -> Download materials -> Templates (available after logging into the site - login data the same as in the Moja PG system).

The template applies to both PhD students from the AY 2024/2025 enrollment in terms of the submission of the first IRP (original), as well as PhD students from all enrolments in terms of the submission of IRP updates, in accordance with the School's regulations (PhD students may update their IRP after the mid-term evaluation process at the earliest) - please indicate what the completed document refers to.

We request everyone to use the updated templates.

Below you will find updated information on submitting and updating a previously submitted Individual Research Proposal. 

NOTE! The date indicated in the Individual research proposal as the date for submission of the dissertation is a deadline that cannot be exceeded, as this will result in removal from the list of doctoral students. It cannot exceed the 4-year timeframe specified in the PhD Training Program - it is counted from the date of the start of training, i.e. from the beginning of October of the calendar year [X] until max. the end of September of the calendar year [X+4]. For more on this matter, please visit Training -> Completion of PhD training tab.

The Individual Research Proposal includes:  
  • definition of the research topic and the goal,
  • plan and schedule of research covering the full period of training in the doctoral school with an indication of measurable achievements (milestones) to assess work progress and and potential sources of funding for the activities,
  • indication of the date of submitting the doctoral dissertation, within the training period of the doctoral school,
  • a plan and timeline for publication of the research results,
  • the assignment of learning outcomes to particular elements of the research proposal – in accordance with the requirements of level of the Polish Qualification Framework (PQF), describing knowledge, skills and social competences by means of general characteristics of the scope and degree of complexity, required from persons holding qualifications at this level, confirmed by a doctoral diploma and specified in the curriculum (Doctoral Training Programme) at the Doctoral School at Gdańsk University of Technology (hereinafter referred to as the 8th Polish Qualification Framework). 

The Individual Research Proposal (IRP) must be prepared in English. The IRP must be agreed upon with the supervisor or supervisors, and evaluated by the auxiliary supervisor provided that the auxiliary supervisor has been appointed.  

In order to fill in or amend the IRP a PhD student should fill in the word template of IRP available at our website > For PhD students > Downloads > Templates. Please indicate in the text that this is an update of the initial IRP.

Assigning elements of the research proposal to learning outcomes:

By the implementation of the prepared Individual Research Proposal, the doctoral student is required to achieve the following learning outcomes at level 8 of the Polish Qualification Framework (according to the reference codes of the Polish Qualification Framework): P8U_W, P8S_WG, P8S_UW, P8S_KR. 

The PQF symbols for first and second stage descriptors of 8th level PQF are described in details in Doctoral Training Programme of Doctoral School at Gdansk University of Technology in section 3. Learning outcomes. According to them, the doctoral student:

  1. knows and understands:
    • global scientific and creative achievements and the resulting implications for practice (P8U_W);
    • to the extent enabling the revision of the existing paradigms - world heritage including theoretical foundations, general issues and selected specific issues - appropriate for a given scientific or artistic discipline (P8S_WG);
    • main development trends in scientific or artistic disciplines of education (P8S_WG);
    • research methodology (P8S_WG);
    • rules for disseminating the scientific results, including an open access mode (P8S_WG).
  2. is able to:
    • use knowledge from various fields of science or art to creatively identify, formulate and innovatively solve complex problems or perform research tasks, in particular: define the purpose and subject of research, formulate a research hypothesis, develop research methods, techniques and tools and use them creatively, make conclusions on the basis of the results of scientific research (P8S_UW);
    • critically analyze and evaluate the results of scientific research, expertise and other creative work and their contribution to the development of knowledge (P8S_UW); 
    • transfer the results of scientific activity to the economic and social circles (P8S_UW);
  3. is ready to:
    • maintain and develop the ethos of research and creative communities, including: research in an independent manner, respecting the principle of public ownership of research results, taking into account the principles of intellectual property protection (P8S_KR );
    • At the same time, PQF symbols (learning outcomes) that are related to the Individual Research Proposal are listed in the table in section 4 (Learning Modules) of the Curriculum: in point 3 (The teaching module developing professional skills involving scientific research presentation and participation in the international circulation of science (preparing doctoral students for a job involving research or research and development), conducted under the scientific supervision of a supervisor in relation to the individual research proposal of a doctoral student) in connection with point 4 (Midterm evaluation) of the table with the written the Doctoral Training Programme.

Please note that the implementation of the individual research plan is subject to mid-term evaluation by the mid-term evaluation committee. For more information, see > Mid-term evaluation

The individual research proposal must be agreed with the supervisor(s) and reviewed by the auxiliary supervisor / co-supervisor, if such an auxiliary supervisor has been appointed.   

The doctoral student shall submit the individual research proposal to the School Director within 12 months from the start of training at the Doctoral School.   

The individual research proposal should be prepared in English (you can download the template under: Doctoral Students -> Formalities (Regulations, ELD) -> Download materials -> Templates (available after logging in)). 

§16 Procedure of submission and amendment of the individual research proposal (as per regulations of our Doctoral School):
  1. A doctoral student shall present an Individual research proposal to the School Director within 12 months from the start of training at the Doctoral School.
  2. A doctoral student may update the Individual research proposal only after the completion of the mid-term evaluation process at the earliest.
  3. A doctoral student shall submit an update of their individual research proposal each time they apply for an extension of their training, in accordance with §23 para. 6.
  4. The update of the research proposal must meet the requirements specified in §15 of the Doctoral School Regulations.

In order to submit the IRP or make an update to IRP, a doctoral student should fill out the relevant template available on our website under PhD Students -> Formalities -> Download materials -> Templates (available after logging in)

The action of submitting the IRP is initiated by the School office, adding the corresponding eDocuments to the doctoral students' accounts in Moja PG in the second semester of training, after publishing the information in advance on the school's website in the news. 

The action of submitting the IRP update (circulation of this particular document / e-Document in the system) is initiated by the doctoral student himself. To submit the IRP update and obtain the necessary signatures, please use the MojaPG -> Student -> eDocuments system. The doctoral student should select and add to their account the eDocument titled [2-3rd year] Individual Research Plan UPDATE (in case of changes)

Instructions on how to use eDocuments (forms) are also available on our website under: PhD Students -> Formalities (Regulations, ELD) -> Downloads -> Templates tab (available after logging in).