Art. 187 - Act of 20 July 2018 The Law on Higher Education and Science

1. The doctoral dissertation demonstrates the candidate’s general theoretical knowledge in a discipline (or disciplines) and the ability to conduct research or artistic work independently.
2. The subject matter of the doctoral dissertation shall be an original solution to a scientific problem or in terms of the application of results of own scientific research in the economic or social sphere, or an original artistic achievement.
3. The doctoral dissertation may be a written dissertation, including a scientific monograph; a collection of published and thematically related scientific articles; design, construction, technological, implementation or artistic work; as well as an independent and separate part of a collective work.
4. The doctoral dissertation shall include an abstract in English, whereas a doctoral dissertation prepared in a foreign language – an abstract in Polish. In the case when the dissertation is not in written form, its description in Polish and English shall be attached.

Template documents for the title pages of doctoral dissertations, doctoral students' declarations of authorship of the dissertation, and the rules for accessing and collecting doctoral dissertations whose defence takes place at Gdańsk University of Technology (in Polish only).

Procedure for awarding the doctoral degree:

legal basis:

Composition of the Scientific Councils for Disciplines:

In case of questions, please contact directly the Councils of Scientific Areas and Disciplines (Gdańsk Tech), as well as the Scientific Boards (Institutes).

Language of the dissertation to be prepared within the PhD training at the Doctoral School
  • economics and finance [EiF]   --> PhD students may choose the language of the dissertation - Polish or English
  • management and quality studies [ZiJ]  --> PhD students may choose the language of the dissertation - Polish or English    
  • chemical sciences [NCh]  --> PhD students may choose the language of the dissertation - Polish or English  
  • physical sciences [NF]   --> PhD students may choose the language of the dissertation - Polish or English  
  • mathematics [M]  --> PhD students may choose the language of the dissertation - Polish or English
  • civil engineering, geodesy and transport [ILGiT]  --> PhD students may choose the language of the dissertation - Polish or English    
  • architecture and urban planning [AiU]  --> PhD students may choose the language of the dissertation - Polish or English
  • environmental engineering, mining and energy [IŚGiE]  --> PhD students may choose the language of the dissertation - Polish or English     
  • materials engineering [IMa]  --> PhD students may choose the language of the dissertation - Polish or English
  • mechanical engineering [IMe]  --> PhD students may choose the language of the dissertation - Polish or English
  • automation, electronics, electrical engineering and space technologies [AEEiTK] -->  English language
  • information and communication technology [ITiT]  --> PhD students may choose the language of the dissertation - Polish or English 
  • biomedical engineering [IB] --> PhD students may choose the language of the dissertation - Polish or English