Doctoral School at Gdańsk University of Technology
Gdańsk University of Technology, Main Building, room 209
11/12 Gabriela Narutowicza Street
80-233 Gdańsk, Poland

See our location on the map

VAT Reg. No.: 5840203593


tel. +48 (58) 348 65 80

Telephones are answered on working days from Monday to Friday between 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., except for office closing dates given on our webpage.

During the office hours for doctoral students and candidates to the School, you may encounter difficulties in connecting by phone with the staff of the Doctoral School Office.

E-mail adressess:

Note for PhD students: Please send messages ONLY via the official email account at Gdańsk Tech:

Office hours for PhD Students and candidates to our doctoral school
  • Monday 10:00-13:30
  • Tuesday 10:00-13:30 
  • Wednesday - Office closed
  • Thursday 8:00-11:30 
  • Friday 8:00-11:30

Administrative service during the Christmas season