Doctoral School road map

  • 23/10/2018 - establishment of a committee for the elaboration of a concept of the Doctoral School at Gdańsk University of Technology
  • 14/02/2019 - appointment of prof. dr. hab. inż. Michał Mrozowski, prof. zw. PG (full professor) to perform the function of the Rector's Plenipotentiary for the organization of the Doctoral School  at Gdańsk University of Technology
  • 11/04/2019 - appointment of a team for the coordination of tasks related to the creation, organization and launch of the Doctoral School and a working team for starting the Doctoral School 
  • 18/04/2019 - creation of the Doctoral School at Gdańsk University of Technology 
  • 31/05/2019 - public announcement of the study programme (doctoral training programme), adopted by the resolution of the Senate
  • 31/05/2019 - public announcement of the Recruitment Policy, adopted by the resolution of the Senate
  • 10/06/2019 - announcement of standard admission for AY 2019/2020 
  • 10/07/2019 - introduction of the Doctoral School Regulations, adopted by the resolution of the Senate