Welcome Office is a comprehensive service centre for employees, guests, Ph.D. students and international students, established to provide them with assistance in organising their stay at our university. It also serves as an administrative support centre for the faculties and units of Gdańsk University of Technology employing persons from abroad and admitting international students.

The Welcome Office operates as part of the International Relations Office and closely cooperates with the team responsible for the recruitment of foreign students and visits of foreign employees under the Erasmus + and Einsteinum IDUB programmes.

Who are the services of the Welcome Office for?

For employees from abroad:

  • employed under an employment contract
  • employed under civil law contracts
  • visiting professors

For guests from abroad:

  • invited by the Rector and individual faculties and units of Gdańsk University of Technology
  • desiring to cooperate with Gdańsk University of Technology
  • participating in international conferences organised by Gdańsk University of Technology

For PhD students

For students:

  • full-time students
  • Erasmus + exchange students

The employees of the Welcome Office help you in following ways:

  1. providing assistance in formal issues (legalisation of stay, registration, health insurance, PESEL number, etc.)
  2. accommodation (in guest rooms in Gdańsk University of Technology dormitories and more)
  3. assistance in the first days of stay at Gdańsk University of Technology (health and safety at work training, a My Gdańsk University of Technology account, library card, parking entry card, etc.)
  4. providing employees / guests / students with information about the organisational structure of Gdańsk University of Technology and indicating in which units / departments matters related to work and studies at the University can be handled
  5. picking up guests from the airport, organising a gala dinner/lunch, showing guests around Gdańsk University of Technology campus and the Tricity
  6. providing information about cultural, sports and other events organised in the Tri-City
  7. providing promotional materials and gadgets to foreign guests

Visit Welcome Office website