ERC grants - online training available | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-08-04

ERC grants - online training available


A training session organized by the ERC Executive Agency in cooperation with the Malta Council for Science and Technology - ERC funding opportunities for researchers in Malta (July 18, 2023 10:00 - 12:00) will be held in the coming days.

The training is in the form of a webinar, the main purpose of which is to provide information about ERC funding programs and the competitive application process. The program is scheduled to discuss what's new in the 2024 ERC Work Program, ERC funding programs and support measures for potential applicants and the upcoming 2024 competition calls. The training will also provide an opportunity to hear tips and practical advice from ERC grant winners; an open Q&A session will also be scheduled. Advance registration is required (link above).

We would also like to remind you about the training session "ERC Grants: News in Upcoming Competitions" (July 19, 2023 10:00 am - 1:00 pm) conducted by experts from the National Contact Point and Horizontal Contact Point Southeast Poland. The training provides for discussion of the most important rules, types and novelties in ERC competitions, information on the preparation of the application, the process and criteria for its evaluation, as well as support under the so-called ERC Mentoring Initiative.

The meeting will be held online using the ClickMeeting platform, prior registration of participants is required (link above).