Complementary enrolment within standard admission:

  • only for candidates with Polish citizenship (applications from foreigners will not be processed);
  • conducted only in 5 disciplines, which attracted less interest from candidates than the number of available scholarships:
    - civil engineering, geodesy and transport [ILGiT],
    - architecture and urban planning [AiU],
    - environmental engineering, mining and energy [IŚGiE],
    - mechanical engineering PG [IMe PG],
    - mechanical engineering IMP [IMe IMP],
    - chemical engineering [ICh].

Informational meeting for candidates - recorded meeting and presentation

The legal bases for admissions for AY 2024/2025

Regulations regarding the Doctoral School have been prepared in Polish and then translated into English for information purposes only. The Polish version will prevail whenever there is a divergent interpretation between these texts.

Schedule for complementary enrolment within standard admission for AY 2024/2025
Date Action

until 19.07.2024 (Friday) 

complementary enrolment within the standard admission to be announced on the website of the Doctoral 
Announcement of the complementary enrolment

5 September 2024 (Thursday)

launching of electronic enrolment to the Doctoral School in the university’s online admission (application / recruitment) system:

from 5 September 2024 (Thursday)
until 10 September 2024 (Tuesday) at 11.00 a.m.

accepting applications for the Doctoral School with a complete set of documents - the application is submitted electronically in the university’s admission system once the candidate's account has been created in the system, and scans of documents are attached directly to the electronic application.

until 17 September 2024 (Tuesday)

formal and content-related evaluation of the applications

  • by 13 September 2024 the applications are under formal evaluation by the staff of the Doctoral School Office, then the applications are forwarded to the evaluation committees from 16 September 2024.

NOTE! Candidate is obliged to keep up to date with any e-mails sent to them.

from 18 September 2024 (Wednesday)  
until 19 September 2024 (Thursday) 

interviews with candidates for the Doctoral School

  • the deadline for providing confirmation of the selected scientific achievement,
  • control of the number of doctoral students under the supervision of a supervisor.

NOTE! The exact date and place of the interview will be communicated to the candidate directly by the committee, it is the candidate's responsibility to keep up to date with any communication sent to them by e-mail.

until 23 September 2024 (Monday) by 5.00 p.m. 

announcement of the ranking lists – admissions results to be published on the website of the Doctoral School

NOTE! Candidates with a foreign degree pending final verification by Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) and those without a diploma pending its delivery will be placed on the ranking list with the notation "conditionally accepted".

until 30 September 2024 (Monday) 

applies to candidates conditionally accepted without a Master's degree (at the time of application): 

  • deadline for defending the master’s thesis,
  • deadline for the submission of the certificate of defending the thesis.

1 October 2024 (Tuesday) 

applies to candidates accepted (conditionally): 

  • expected date of starting the academic year,
  • earliest possible date for becoming a doctoral student and acquiring the right to the doctoral scholarship.*

* NOTE! Registration as a doctoral student (becoming a doctoral student and acquiring the right to a doctoral scholarship) takes place on the date of signing the doctoral student's oath deed and submitting documents confirming entitlement to a doctoral scholarship and relating to compulsory social insurance coverage. 

until 31 October 2024 (Thursday) 

applies to candidates accepted (conditionally): 

  • presentation of original documents attached in the application system as scans,
  • submission of a diploma and signing the doctoral oath deed,
  • submission of documents confirming entitlement to the doctoral scholarship and compulsory social insurance, cover.