Every PhD student performing PhD training at the Doctoral School can check the status of passing subjects on their account in the MojaPG system - Link to IT Service Center (CUI) instructions. At the same time, we would like to remind you that the status of passing subjects should be compared with the requirements described in the doctoral training programme.

For whom?


doctoral students who started their training in A.Y. 2024/2025

Resolution of the Gdańsk Tech Senate No. 412/2023/XXV of 22 November 2023

doctoral students who started their training in A.Y. 2023/2024

Resolution of the Gdańsk Tech Senate No. 274/2022/XXV of 16 November 2022

doctoral students who started their training in A.Y. 2022/2023

Resolution of the Gdańsk Tech Senate No. 162/2021/XXV of December 2021

doctoral students who started their training in A.Y. 2021/2022

Resolution of the Gdańsk Tech Senate No. 473/2021/XXV of 20 January 2021

doctoral students who started their training in A.Y. 2020/2021

Resolution of the Gdańsk Tech Senate No. 473/2021/XXV of 20 January 2021

doctoral students who started their training in A.Y. 2019/2020

Resolution of the Gdańsk Tech Senate No. 294/2019/XXIV of 29 April 2019



economics and finance [EiF]


management and quality studies [ZiJ]


chemical sciences [NCh]


physical sciences [NF]


mathematics [M]


civil engineering, geodesy and transport [ILGiT] 


architecture and urban planning [AiU]


environmental engineering, mining and energy [IŚGiE]


materials engineering [IMa]


mechanical engineering [IMe]


automation, electronics, electrical engineering and space technologies [AEEiTK]


information and communication technology [ITiT]


biomedical engineering [IB]


chemical engineering [ICh]


Use the eDocument (in the STUDENT application) "Request for changes to the doctoral student's Programme of Study" to apply for:

  • transfer of the (course credit for) the subject to the next semester/year
  • adding a subject from another discipline to the (credit) programme
  • adding the summer/winter school to the programme (credit)
  • replacement of subject/course by another subject/course
  • exemption from attendance in course
  • transfer to another soft skills class group

The Request in electronic form, as soon as it is justified and signed by the doctoral student, is going to be sent to: Supervisor -> Doctoral School Office -> Coordinator of Discipline -> Deputy Director for Education, Quality and PQF.

    The doctoral student is responsible for monitoring the electronic route of the eDocument.

    NOTE! Regulations regarding the Doctoral School have been prepared in Polish and then translated into English for information purposes only. The Polish version will prevail whenever there is a divergent interpretation between these texts