We wish to promote sustainable consumption and production. Limiting our impact on climate change through effective waste segregation and limiting waste production has been our objective for several years now. We plan to improve and disseminate our rules on waste segregation, including hazardous waste, in order to increase recycling, minimize the use of single-use items and prevent the risk of harmful substances entering the environment. On-campus waste management is the main theme of the University's efforts at achieving sustainability.

At Gdańsk University of Technology, we strive to maximize the degree of waste segregation in order to comply with the law, ecology and economy and the latest trends. Currently, in the corridors of Gdańsk Tech buildings, there are special containers into which segregated rubbish is thrown: paper, glass,  biodegradable, metal and plastic and residual. Moreover, in some places, inks and toners, batteries and caps are collected for charity.

We are planning to prepare and implement a campaign aimed at inspiring employees and students to reduce the use of plastic and paper consumption. We are also planning to assess the possibility of reducing disposable products in our laboratories. We intend to monitor the amount of generated waste on an ongoing basis.

We are convinced that our investments should have a positive impact on the environment. We want to integrate environmental aspects into our procurement process. We will work with the procurement team to develop procurement requirements that may include environmental aspects. In this way, we will not only be able to reduce our carbon footprint, but we will also be able to reduce our negative impact on the environment.