The campus of Gdańsk University of Technology has been recognized as one of the most beautiful campuses in Europe according to Times Higher Education. There are modern and environmentally friendly buildings as well as majestic buildings from the beginning XX century on the 77 hectares of the campus. Outside, in green areas, there are both outdoor benches and picnic areas and even an outdoor gym.
There are almost 100 different species of deciduous and coniferous trees and shrubs on the entire Gdańsk Tech campus. Tree corridors prevail in the historic part of the campus. Between the buildings you can see houses for hedgehogs, insects, and even beehives. We want to protect nature on the campus and increase the share of green areas friendly to various species of plants and animals. Monitoring and maintaining green spaces is a key task for a team of gardeners who manage the area in a sustainable manner. We want to create a green area development plan to provide space for biodiversity development on campus.
Gdańsk University of Technology is currently one of the largest and most dynamically operating investors in Pomerania, as well as among all universities in Poland. Through an extensive investment strategy, Gdańsk University of Technology aims to create the most important academic center in the northern part of the country, simultaneously fitting in the most important challenges of today's world. Construction of new buildings such as the Competence Center STOS or the Eco-innovation Center, as well as revitalization of the historic Hydromechanics building and modernization of student dormitories are conducted in accordance with sustainable standards wherever possible. Our next new investments will be implemented in 100% with respect to the principles of sustainable development. In the forthcoming years, our campus will gain new green spaces serving the academic community and residents of Gdańsk. We want Gdańsk Tech campus to be open, so that employees, students and the local community can fully benefit from the surrounding nature.