The challenges and plans that we set before ourselves as a Research University do not stand contrary to respect for the environment. Facing local, regional and global challenges connected with climate change, we will conduct research on solutions aimed at counteracting climate change and mitigating its effects.
Gdańsk University of Technology has implemented many measures that engage employees in environmentally-friendly initiatives. One of them was the establishment of the EcoTech Center, which deals with shaping a harmonious, sustainable space of human life in the face of current environmental challenges, climate change as well as social and demographic changes.
In the era of modern technologies aimed at replacing natural fossil energy resources, which are the basis of energy production in Poland, Gdańsk University of Technology, in cooperation with the socio-economic environment, established two university-wide, interdisciplinary research and industrial centers: Offshore Wind Energy Center and Hydrogen Technologies Center. The task of both centers is to coordinate research, design and expert works aimed at construction of offshore wind farms and modern hydrogen technologies in the energy sector, which would be the foundation for development of Polish economy and energy and a trade mark of Gdańsk University of Technology.