The most important goal is to reduce CO2 emissions by half by 2030 and achieve zero net emissions by 2040 at the latest. Gdańsk University of Technology will conduct an annual calculation of the carbon footprint and monitor its progress. Our intention is to significantly reduce the consumption of natural resources and energy. This involves energy savings, as well as changing the attitudes of employees, students and external stakeholders.
Renovation of facilities on our campus involves reduction in energy demand, while the newly created facilities are designed in the most possible energy-efficient standard, even aiming at zero-emission, in an environmentally friendly manner while using innovative, advanced technologies. In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, wherever possible, we will use energy-saving solutions that make the maximum use of renewable energy.
Water consumption and wastewater production are another aspect of resource utilization. It is connected to a large number of students and staff on campus every day and the necessity of maintaining proper sanitary conditions. However, we want to significantly reduce water consumption. We plan to install sanitary facilities in Gdańsk Tech buildings allowing to reduce water consumption. It will also be necessary to retain and use rainwater on our campus.