• 2022-08-24

    The Baltic Windustry conference at Gdańsk University of Technology will be held on 8 September

    Registration for the international conference "Baltic Windustry: industrial research in offshore wind energy" is underway. The conference will take place on 8 September at Gdańsk University of Technology. This event is aimed mainly at representatives of industry and science who are active in the field of engineering and innovation, but also at students who have to choose their career path. ...

  • 2022-07-27

    Gdańsk Tech supporting equality and counteracting discrimination

    The Senate of Gdańsk University of Technology adopted a modified Code of Ethics and an internal anti-mobbing and anti-discrimination procedure in June. Gdańsk Tech intensifies the anti-discrimination activities. In June 2022, the Senate of Gdańsk University of Technology adopted a modified Code and a procedure for acting in case of mobbing or discrimination in the broad sense. The Code...

  • 2022-07-07

    Hydroponics and a closed-loop water system – lettuce on a wall

    Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil, using nutrient containing mineral salt solutions. Hydroponic crops can be grown not only on an industrial scale, but also in home gardens, increasing self-sufficiency of cities when it comes to food production. However, relatively large water consumption and cleaning the used nutrient are disadvantages of this solution. The objective of the...

  • 2022-06-08

    From waste tires to flame retardant conductive materials – project for PLN 5 million

    Researchers from Gdańsk University of Technology, supervised by Prof. Mohammad Reza Saeb, conduct research on inexpensive, fireproof and electrically conductive materials made of used car tires and carbon fillers. 3D printed thermoplastic composites can be used, among others, in electronics, automotive and construction industries. The research team from Gdańsk University of Technology are...

  • 2022-05-31

    Green chemistry - a chance for alternative CO2 sequestration

    Carbon sequestration technologies are still being modified and scientists worldwide are working on improving them or introducing new ideas. While fulfilling their main function of absorbing carbon dioxide, many of the CO2 absorbents currently used have various disadvantages, and some of them, at the same time, are harmful to the natural environment. Researchers from Gdańsk University of...

  • 2022-01-24

    Scientists will turn food waste into compounds more valuable than biogas

    Compounds of greater value than methane sourced from household scraps and food production waste? Scientists from Gdańsk University of Technology and China are working on a new technology for processing food waste, thanks to which it will be possible to recover carboxylic acids needed to produce polymers, pharmaceuticals, solvents or food additives.   The project, carried out under the...

  • 2021-10-20

    Sustainable Development Goals

    Gdańsk University of Technology supports implementation the Sustainable Development Goals set out in the resolution adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) on 25 September 2015. There are 17 of them in total. One of the most important values cultivated by Gdańsk University of Technology is care for the conditions and quality of life of the present and future generations....