Important information for newly admitted international PhD students | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-09-29

Important information for newly admitted international PhD students


You have been admitted to our Doctoral School and now the whole process related to your coming to our university will start. Therefore, please be patient and monitor messages from us. Many of you have already started to ask questions, therefore we would like to clarify several issues. We hope, it will help and will limit individual e-mail traffic.

As for different topics, please note:

In order to come to Poland you will need a visa (applicable to non-EU nationals). Our Doctoral School Office is going to issue  a confirmation letter for each person that you have been admitted to our school. This letter will be needed to apply for visa in Polish Embassy in your country. In this letter there will be information that:

i) you have been admitted to our school,
ii) the studies are free of charge,
iii) information about accommodation and
iv) that you will get a scholarship and amount of it.

You will have to apply for this visa by yourself. Our university is not going to pay any fees if such are required for this application and will not issue any other supporting letters, except the confirmation letter.

  1. You may expect that only person admitted to our school will get visa – not the whole family. If you have family members (e.g. children, husband or wife) you may expect that only after coming to Poland will you be able to apply for permission of stay and only after issuing it by our local authorities will you be able to ask for visa for your close family members. The whole process may take even more than half a year.

  2. Only after you have visa should you organize the travel to Poland. It is your own responsibility. Our university will not cover any expenses related to your travel and will not be able to help you arrange it.

  3. Please remember that you need to come to Gdańsk Tech by the end of November at the latest (if you have been granted a room in the dorm - then by the end of October at the latest).

  4. You should book dormitories for yourself via MojaPG (for details see the post > Granting places in dormitories and follow the instruction in the welcoming message). You will have to pay for this service from your scholarship - the current fee is about PLN 618. Please mind the deadlines.

  5. The regular scholarship for each PhD student is the same for all, regardless the nationality. As the first year students you will get PLN 2 315 net per month, which is enough for one person to live and stay in the dormitory. We do not offer any allowances for family members.

  6. Our university offers some extra fellowships, on the top of normal one, for international students but it takes place on a competitive basis and is dedicated to the best students. This scheme may offer about 15 fellowships only. To apply for this fellowship you have to start education in our school.

  7. Please be in close touch with your supervisor who should be in a first line if problems with your coming appear.