Standard admission – admission open to all candidates (within the pool of places)

Informational meeting for candidates - recorded meeting and presentation

The legal bases for admissions for AY 2024/2025

Regulations regarding the Doctoral School have been prepared in Polish and then translated into English for information purposes only. The Polish version will prevail whenever there is a divergent interpretation between these texts.

Standard admission schedule for AY 2024/2025
Date Action

6.03.2024 (Wednesday)

publication of lists of prospective supervisors eligible to provide supervision to new doctoral students -> more information

NOTE! It is the responsibility of the candidate themself to find a supervisor and initiate contact, the school does not act as an intermediary in establishing this contact.

8.04.2024 (Monday)
at 2.00 p.m. CEST (UTC+2)

information Meeting with candidates for the Doctoral School -> more information

22.04.2024 (Monday)

launching of electronic enrolment to the Doctoral School in the university’s application system 

from 22.04.2024 (Monday)
until 13.05.2024 (Monday)
at 11.00 a.m.

accepting applications for the Doctoral School with a complete set of documents - the application is submitted electronically in the application system once the applicant's account has been created in the system, and scans of documents are attached directly to the electronic application

NOTE! During the week of 1-3.05.2024 the office will not be accepting documents or responding to emails - long weekend.

from 22.04.2024 (Monday)
until 20.05.2024 (Monday)

assessment of submitted applications by the School Office - on-going formal checking, referral for correction and forwarding to the committee for assessment

NOTE! The applicant is obliged to keep up to date with any e-mails sent to them.

from 21.05.2024 (Tuesday)
until 27.05.2024 (Monday)

evaluation of the applications by the admissions committees

NOTE! The applicant is obliged to keep up to date with any e-mails sent to them.

from 27.05.2024 (Monday) 
until 4.06.2024 (Tuesday)

interviews with candidates for the Doctoral School

  • the deadline for providing confirmation of the selected scientific achievement
  • control of the number of doctoral students under the supervision of a supervisor

NOTE! The exact date and place of the interview will be communicated to the candidate directly by the committeeThe applicant is obliged to keep up to date with any e-mails sent to them.

until 6.06.2024 (Thursday)
by 12.00 p.m.

submission of ranking lists to the Doctoral School after interviews by admissions committees – admissions results

from 6.06.2024 (Thursday) until 19.06.2024 (Wednesday)

final verification of ranking lists and candidates, generation of admissions lists

until 19.06.2024 (Wednesday)
by 5.00 p.m.

announcement of the ranking lists – admissions results to be published on the webpage of Doctoral School

  • within 2 weeks of the announcement of the lists, the candidate may resign from training

Ranking lists of candidates to the Doctoral School for AY 2024/2025

NOTE! Applicants with a foreign degree pending final verification by Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) and those without a diploma pending its delivery will be placed on the ranking list with the notation "conditionally accepted".

from 21.06 (Friday) to 30.08 (Friday)

Applies to candidates accepted (conditionally):

delivery of original documents (for inspection) previously submitted as scans in the application system

NOTE: For foreigners who may appear at the university at a later date (according to the admissions schedule), documents will be accepted on an ongoing basis, after earlier notification of arrival and appointment for verification of documents.

from 24.06.2024 (Monday) until 10.07.2024 (Wednesday)

application for a place in a dormitory

More information on the assigning places in dormitories

until 12.07.2024 (Friday)

Applies to candidates conditionally accepted - from countries requiring a visa:

  • issuing certificates to foreign nationals initially admitted (conditionally accepted) to the Doctoral School for the purpose of applying for a visa - promise of admission to the Doctoral School.

NOTE! When applying to the Doctoral School, it is the candidate's responsibility to provide up-to-date address and passport data in the application system and, in the event of any changes, to notify the School's office staff and update them immediately. As embassies/consulates do not accept scans, certificates prepared on the basis of this data will be sent by post to the address indicated in the application system.

The Doctoral School is not responsible for the manner, quality and speed of the embassies/consulates, the deadlines set for the candidate or the end result of the verification process - the issuance or refusal of the visa. It is advisable for the candidate to apply for a visa as soon as possible in order to ensure that they are able to arrive at the University on the date indicated in the admissions schedule.

September 2024

Applies to unaccepted candidates:

  • issuing and making available administrative decisions to candidates not admitted to the Doctoral School

NOTE! Submitting an 'appeal' against the results of the admissions process, i.e. submitting a request for reconsideration of the decision not to admit to the Doctoral School, is possible only after acknowledgement of receipt of the administrative decision according to the rules set out in the Admissions Rules. Candidates receive the decision electronically - it is delivered directly in the application system and the whole appeal process is also done in the system.

More information on filing and delivery of admission administrative decisions and applications for re-examination of the case recorded in digital form.

24.09 (Tuesday) - 30.09 (Monday)

Applies to candidates accepted (conditionally):

registration of new PhD students:

  • signing of the act of oath of a PhD student 
  • submission of documents confirming entitlement to a doctoral scholarship and related to mandatory social insurance coverage

NOTE! For foreigners who may appear at the university at a later date (according to the admissions schedule), documents will be accepted on an ongoing basis, after earlier notification of arrival and appointment for verification of documents. During this time, the School's office will be open only to newly admitted PhD students.

until 30.09.2024 (Monday)

Applies to candidates conditionally accepted without a Master's degree at the time of application:

  • deadline for defending the master’s thesis 
  • deadline for the submission of the certificate of defending the thesis

1.10.2024 (Tuesday)

Applies to candidates accepted (conditionally):

  • expected date of starting the academic year
  • earliest possible date for becoming a doctoral student and acquiring the right to the doctoral scholarship*.

* Note: Entry on the list of doctoral students (obtaining the status of a doctoral student and acquiring the right to the doctoral scholarship) takes place on the date of signing the doctoral student’s oath and submitting documents proving entitlement to a doctoral scholarship and related to compulsory social insurance

until 31.10.2024 (Thursday)

Applies to candidates accepted (conditionally):

  • delivery of a diploma 
  • arrival deadline for foreigners - if you wish to be guaranteed a place in a dormitory (the application for a student residence is made outside the Doctoral School and the candidate must ensure the relevant deadlines and procedures by themself)

NOTE! For foreigners, coming from abroad, please notify your arrival in advance and make an appointment for verification of documents.

29.11.2024 (Friday)

Applies to candidates accepted (conditionally) - only foreigners from countries requiring a visa:

  • deadline for arrival of foreigners without provision of dormitory accommodation (the candidate has to provide their own accommodation outside the Gdańsk Tech campus)

NOTE! For foreigners, coming from abroad, please notify your arrival in advance and make an appointment for verification of documents.