[Update 2.06.2023] Supporting mobility abroad for the best doctoral students – NAWA internships | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-05-12

[Update 2.06.2023] Supporting mobility abroad for the best doctoral students – NAWA internships


We would like to inform you about the start of an internship campaign for the best doctoral students of our Doctoral School.

The competition offers 16 outgoing mobility grants to support internships abroad:

  • 10 three-month internships and

  • 6 six-month internships.

All supported internships must start no earlier than 12 June 2023 and end no later than 31 December 2023.

The minimum number of points to qualify for mobility support within a type of internship is 12 points out of a possible 24.

The results will be announced on 1 June 2023.

Outgoing mobility grants will be funded by the project "STE(E)R-ING towards International Doctoral School” (project/contract number: PPI/STE/2020/1/00023/U/00001; task internal number: 034679, acronym: "GUT Beyond Borders", hereafter: the Project), co-financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) under the Programme “STER - Internationalisation of Doctoral Schools”.

Applying for the mobility grant results in joining the Project. The rules for participation in the project have been defined in the Regulations for Participation in activities funded by the STER Project (pdf, 2.56MB)

Who can submit an application?

Project participants can be Phd students of:

  • Gdańsk University of Technology

  • Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Gdańsk

  • Institute of Hydroengineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Gdańsk

admitted to our Doctoral School in 2019-2021, who are currently in the second, third or fourth year of PhD training.

The rules for applying and awarding outgoing mobility grants are set forth in the STER Regulations supporting mobility abroad.

NAWA internships regulations

Appendixes to the regulations setting out model documents have been linked in the sections below.

How and when to apply for a mobility grant?
  • The applications for a mobility will be accepted between May 15-29, 2023.

  • Applications should be submitted in paper form directly to the Doctoral School Office during office hours only.

  • Applications will be evaluated by a committee. The Office staff is not responsible for the completeness of correctness of applications.

  • In addition to the application, the applicant must submit documents related to participation in the project, which are described in the Regulations for Participation in the STER Project.

Where can I find templates of documents that I should submit?

Participation in the project activities  involves the necessity of filling in, signing and delivering to the Doctoral School Office the following documents: 

Upon return from the internship, the Doctoral Student is obliged to submit, within 14 calendar days:


How much is the mobility grant and how will it be paid?

The winners of the competition in support of mobility abroad will receive a mobility grant covering: travel costs, accommodation and living expenses, as well as mobility allowance.

  • Mobility (settlement) allowance - A one-off settlement allowance (e.g. raw materials, semi-finished products, reagents, access to laboratory premises and large research infrastructure not available (difficult to access) in Poland, purchase of access to library collections, a library card, etc.) in the amount of PLN 5,000.

The scholarship is exempt from income tax.

The scholarships will be granted on the basis of a signed agreement and will be paid in a lump sum before the internship starts. A model of the contract to be signed with the successful doctoral student is set out in > view: Appendix 4 to the  Regulations.