(Update 24.09) [Candidates] Decisions on recruitment proceedings 2024/2025 | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-09-12

(Update 24.09) [Candidates] Decisions on recruitment proceedings 2024/2025


[Updated 24.09.2024] e-Decisions have also been uploaded in the accounts of candidates participating in the complementary enrolment within standard admission.

In the e-Recruitment system, administrative e-decisions have been uploaded to the accounts of candidates to the Doctoral School.

Instructions on how to collect the e-decision*

* If you experience any problems with the collection of the e-decision, please contact Gdańsk Tech Helpdesk:
e-mail: helpdesk@pg.edu.pl
phone: +48 58 348 63 37.

In accordance with the Regulation of the Rector of Gdańsk University of Technology No.21/2024 of 22nd of April 2024, from 1 July 2024 Gdańsk University of Technology will only use the university’s ICT system - the university’s Moja PG system, in order to enable the filing and delivery of administrative decisions, in cases of admission / non-admission to the Doctoral School, as well as applications for re-examination of such decisions, recorded in digital form.[see entry -> Filing and delivery of admission administrative decisions and applications for re-examination of the case recorded in digital form]

NOTE! Submitting an 'appeal' against the results of the admissions process, i.e. submitting a request for reconsideration of the decision not to admit to the Doctoral School, is possible only after acknowledgement of receipt of the administrative decision according to the rules set out in the Admissions Rules. Candidates receive the decision electronically - it is delivered directly in the application system and the whole appeal process is also done in the system. A request for reconsideration can only be based on formal deficiencies in the admission process. 

According to the Admissions Rules:

Polish candidates received only decisions of not being admitted to the doctoral school:

§7 para.4Admission to the Doctoral School occurs through enrolment in the list of doctoral students, which is made by the Doctoral School Director, according to final ranking lists based on the results of the Admission Committee's performance, presented by the Doctoral School Director and approved by the Rector or the Vice-Rector in charge of science authorized by the Rector. Refusal of admission to the Doctoral School takes the form of an administrative decision issued by the Rector. The Rector may authorize the School Director to deal with the refusal of admission to the Doctoral School in full, including the issuing of an administrative decision.” 

Foreign candidates admitted to the Doctoral School for a. r. a.2024/2025, upon arrival at the university along with complete set of documents, will receive decisions on admission to the Doctoral School.

§7 para.6A non-Polish national may be admitted to the Doctoral School by means of an administrative decision of the Rector, issued pursuant to Art. 323(1)(6) of the Law on Higher Education and Science. The Rector may authorize an employee acting as the Vice-Rector in charge of science or an employee employed as the School Director to issue the aforementioned decision.“