[Update 09.05] [Candidates] Announcement on the assigning places in dormitories | Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-04-29

[Update 09.05] [Candidates] Announcement on the assigning places in dormitories

We would like to inform you that the Announcement of the Vice-Rector for the Student Affairs on the assigning places in dormitories has been published.

Update 21.06: Submission of applications will be possible through a dedicated online form, which will be activated on 24.06 (Monday), at 8:00 am, and will be active until 10.07, by the end of the day.

Link to form

Update 09.05: More information can be found in the updated tab Doctoral Students -> Formalities -> Dormitory No. 12 for PhD students.

The upcoming important dates for newly admitted PhD students to the Doctoral School are:

24 June – 10 July 2024 

application for a place in a dormitory [LINK]

17 July 2024

publication of the results of the examined applications for a place in a dormitory

18 July – 22 July 2024 

submission of appeals against the decisions on assigning a place in a dormitory

26 July 2024 

publication of the results of the examined appeals

Applying will be possible through a dedicated online form.

Full announcement