The scholarship may be paid on a monthly basis or as one-off payment. The amount, mode and period of payment of the scholarship depends on the rector's decision.

PhD students can benefit from the following support:

a) scholarships for prominent PhD students:

  • for outstanding achievements in studies, research, organisation or arts  (not applicable to those holding scholarships financed from national budget),
  • in the form of subsidised outgoing mobilities abroad, carried out in connection with the study programme (e.g. international students' exchange, research internship, secondment, international conference)
  • sports team players representing Gdańsk Tech, taking part at least in second league games (not applicable to those holding scholarships financed from national budget),
  • representing Gdańsk Tech,
  • for their individual sports achievements (not applicable to those holding scholarships financed from national budget),
  • actively promoting Gdańsk Tech;

b) international PhD students temporarily in difficult financial situation,

c) international PhD students being the winners of the rector's contests.

More information in the Regulations: Regulation of the Rector of Gdańsk University of Technology No. 26/2023 of 6th June 2024 (in Polish only)

This scholarship is granted by the rector or authorized vice-rector upon request of the dean or PhD Student Union or on the rector's own initiative, upon individual consideration in consultation with the respective committee of the PhD Student Union. Please note that extra criteria to be fulfilled may be indicated. 
With reference to PhD students, applications should be subimitted directly to the vice-rector for scientific research. Applications are accepted and reviewed on a regular basis. Please make sure that the application is duly signed by all the parties indicated above. It is advised to include an opinion and signature of the supervisor.