Everyone accepted to the Doctoral School (exept for PhD students holding a doctor's title) receives a doctoral scholarship.
In addition, PhD students of a Doctoral School can apply for:
- Minister's scholarships for outstanding young scientists
- Scholarships from the Own Scholarship Fund
- EIRU scholarships
- Scholarships from research grants (available to the supervisor)
- Scholarships from other institutions (e.g. foundations, more information on the website, in polish only,We can provide you with an English google translation)
- Co-financing of scientific events from the funds of the Doctoral Students' Council of the Gdańsk University of Technology
Note! By signing "prospective supervisor's declaration of consent (willingness to act as supervisor for the newly recruited candidate)", the prospective supervisor declares the will to become a candidate's supervisor and ensure financial support (if the supervisor is not the person in charge of financial support, the signature of that person is additionally required) and research equipment in case of conducting experimental work when he/she is successfully admitted to the Doctoral School.