PDL is a project carried out by science and culture institutions from the Pomeranian region. The construction of the Pomeranian Digital Library began in 2009, when the Project received funding from the European Union as part of the competition for the Regional Operational Program for the Pomeranian Voivodeship for 2007-2013.

Gdańsk University of Technology is the leading partner of the project, and the coordination of activities related to the implementation of the project was entrusted to the Gdańsk Tech Library.

PDL is a regional digital library and for some project partners it also acts as an institutional repository. The purpose of creating this digital library is to support education and science, tourism and the intellectual and innovative potential of society. The platform allows users to access knowledge resources and valuable monuments of literary culture. The Pomeranian Digital Library is to serve scientists, students, pupils and residents of the Pomeranian region.

Pomeranian Digital Library

Pomeranian Digital Library project partners:
  1. Gdańsk University of Technology - lead partner
  2. University of Gdańsk
  3. Polish Academy of Sciences Gdańsk Library
  4. Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk
  5. Medical University of Gdańsk
  6. Gdynia Maritime University
  7. Academy of Music in Gdańsk
  8. Academy of Physical Education and Sport
  9. Pedagogiczna Biblioteka Wojewódzka w Gdańsku
  10. Pedagogiczna Biblioteka Wojewódzka w Słupsku
  11. Muzeum Piśmiennictwa i Muzyki Kaszubsko-Pomorskiej w Wejherowie
  12. Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna w Gdyni
  13. National Marine Fisheries Research Institute
  14. Polish Naval Academy of the Heroes of Westerplatte
  15. Association of Polish Surveyors