The thematic scope of the book collection in the Gdańsk Tech Library is consistent with the topics of the fields of study and scientific research conducted at the university. The types of collections are:

  • books (printed and electronic),
  • journals (printed and electronic),
  • standards (printed and electronic),
  • cartographic collections,
  • unpublished doctoral dissertations defended at Gdańsk Tech.

The basic source of information about the book collection is the online library catalogue.

Digitized paper catalogue

Due to the ongoing process of retroconversion of collections to a computer catalogue, the Gdańsk University of Technology Library provides its users with remote access to information about collections contained in traditional paper catalogues. If you are interested in a publication published before 1992 that has not yet been entered into the computer catalogue, you can search for it in the digitized version of the paper catalogue of books and periodicals.
Paper catalogue
Computer paper catalogues are in the form of scanned paper catalogue cards in alphabetical order, precisely reflecting the layout and contents of catalogue drawers.

Browsing catalogues is done by selecting a catalogue from a drop-down list, then selecting a drawer with the appropriate string of letters. Successively using the signs +1, +10, +50, +100 or back -1, -10, -50, -100, you move the appropriate cards until you find the description of the work you are looking for.

Information about the publication (title, author, year of publication, reference number) is the basis for finding it in the Storage or in the collections of the Library's branches at individual faculties. You will be informed by the librarian about possible borrowing or making it available on site.