Gdańsk Tech Library general conduct policy

The Gdańsk Tech Library seeks to provide all users with a comfortable and safe environment promoting intellectual exploration  and  access to well-managed library collections. The Library’s Conduct Policies seeks to balance the comfort and convenience of Library users with the need to protect Library and University resources.

  1. Silence must be observed in all silent study areas. Where group study space is provided, conversations must be kept at as low a level as possible
  2. Cell phones and similar electronic devices should be set to no-ring (vibrate) mode and should only be used in lobby areas. Devices with headphones should be set at a low volume so sound is not audible to others.
  3. Refrain from deliberately misplacing library materials to prevent or limit access by others.
  4. Check out or obtain proper authorization before removing library materials from library facilities.
  5. Return library materials on or before the due date or upon request by the Library.
  6. Handle library materials gently, such that they are not mutilated, defaced, or damaged.
  7. The Library is not responsible for personal items that are lost, stolen, or damaged on Library premises.
  8. Readers should not spoil or damage the library documents/materials. If anyone is found doing so, he/she will be charged with the full replacement cost of damaged material and may lead to suspension of library membership.
  9. For the protection of the building, furniture, equipment, and the collections, the library prohibits the consumption of food and beverages.
  10. Coats and personal belongings like bags, umbrellas etc. are to be kept in the cloakroom.
  11. The loan service is suspended 15 minutes before closing.
  12. Users should log out of workstations and complete activities such as printing, borrowing stock, etc, at least 10 minutes before closing time.
  13. Fines for overdue materials should be paid in cash in the Library or  pay by transfer to Gdańsk Tech bank account - Politechnika Gdańska, 41 1090 1098 0000 0000 0901 5569, with user’s full name and transfer name.
  14. Some items in the Library cannot be copied because of copyright laws or other restrictions.
  15. Certain rooms and other Library spaces may have additional restrictions.
  16. Library users are obliged to follow Gdańsk Tech Library rules. The Gdańsk Tech Library has the right to suspend anyone who does not follow library rules and/or has an outstanding debt to the library. Serious or repeated breaches of these regulations may lead to legal measures being taken. A suspended patron may appeal the suspension decision to the Gdańsk Tech Library’s Director.
Regulations for use of resources

Gdańsk Tech Library makes its computing resources available to the students with valid and activated account  in order to aid the completion of academic requirements and to promote scholarship and assist academic research.

  1. The Library provides access to the Internet through library computers connected to the university computer network (Eduroam).
  2. Any disruptive use of university IT resources (e.g. economic activity, advertising of personal, business and solicitations) is not permitted.
  3. Attempting to disrupt the integrity of the system is strictly forbidden.
  4. Users are allowed to use personal devices in the designated places.
  5. Users may charge, via USB, personal devices only in designated places, provided they attend to their device.
  6. Computer users must not attempt to repair equipment.
  7. Deliberate attempts to circumvent data protection or other security measures are prohibited.
  8. Visitors may be limited to 30 minutes at busy times.
  9. The size of user profile is restricted; users may download non-copyrighted files using supported media - the library is not responsible for damage to users’ media or for corruption of users’ data.
  10. Users should refrain from the use of Internet sounds and visuals which might disturb other library patrons.
  11. Failure of any computer equipment should be reported immediately to the librarian.
  12. It is the responsibility of each user to make use of computers in a proper manner. Misuse of the equipment may result in withdrawal of the library privileges and academic discipline.
Regulations for use of the databases

Gdańsk Tech Library subscribes to licensed database products to support the educational and research needs of library users. Users are advised that access to these materials is controlled by license agreements. Violation of license terms by library users may jeopardize future campus access for all students and faculty.

  1. The databases and online resources listed on the Library's web site may be used by authorized users (Gdańsk Tech faculty, librarians, undergraduate/graduate/postgraduate/doctoral students).
  2. All authorized users have access to the Library databases both on and off campus. Remote access to library resources is available for all current students. You can access to library subscribed electronic resources by logging in remotely from home.
  3. Authorized users are allowed to save a reasonable number of articles or other information. When using any database (electronic resource or other resource as well) provided for patrons’ use by the University Library users must comply with the license conditions that apply to the resource.
  4. Readers from outside Gdańsk Tech may use electronic sources only in the Library - remote access is not possible. According to the license agreements, selected materials can be downloaded and printed for private purposes.
  5. Printing and saving whole journal issues, books and conference materials are prohibited.
  6. Unauthorized use of the databases may violate the Gdańsk Tech Library Policies and can result in individuals losing access to these online services and/or to Gdańsk Tech network.
Payments for the settlement of overdue financial obligations:
  • Account number: 41 1090 1098 0000 0000 0901 5569
  • Recipient: Main Library of Gdańsk Tech
  • Transfer title: Fee for untimely return of books, name and surname of the reader

Please send the bank-generated confirmation of the transfer to the following address: