Incoming students
1024 foreign students from over 70 countries around the world study at the Gdańsk Tech. Half of them are Erasmus + students. Most foreign students come from Belarus (193), Spain (148), Ukraine (142), India (56), China (56), Russia (54), France (51) and Turkey (50).
Outgoing students
In the 2019/2020 academic year, over 190 Gdańsk Tech students went to study and internships abroad under the Erasmus + program, including to Spain (48), Portugal (31), Italy (22), Germany (21), Slovakia (13), France (10), Turkey (1) and 17 other countries of the world.
Fields of study in English
There are 19 fields of study in English at 8 Gdańsk Tech faculties, including six first-cycle programs and 13 second-cycle programs. University also offers studies in English at the Doctoral School and MBA studies.
Outgoing staff
In the 2019/2020 academic year, over 120 Gdańsk Tech support and academic staff took advantage of the Erasmus + program and went abroad for training or teaching purposes, including to Italy (24), Spain (15), Germany (12), Portugal (10) and several other countries.
Incoming staff
In the 2019/2020 academic year, under the Erasmus + program, Gdańsk Tech was visited by 10 foreign employees from Italy, Germany and 13 other countries who were accepted by the Faculties of: Management and Economics, Applied Physics and Mathematics, Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.
In addition to the mobility under the Erasmus + program, 10 academic teachers from: Belarus (2), Russia (1), Philippines (1), France (1), India (2), Iraq (1), Lithuania (1) were employed in the 2019/2020 academic year. 1), Germany (3), Nigeria (1) Switzerland (1), Turkey (1), Ukraine (2), Great Britain (1). As part of various programs, Gdańsk University of Technology was also visited by almost 80 visiting professors, including 33 under the financial support of faculties (short-term employment) and 46 under the PO WER program.
International agreements
Gdańsk University of Technology has signed over 760 international agreements with over 450 research units in the world. They include framework agreements (the so-called Memorandum of Understanding), bilateral agreements under educational projects (eg under the Erasmus + program) and multiple qualification agreements (eg Double Degree). The largest number of international agreements are agreements on bilateral cooperation under the Erasmus + program (611 agreements, including 578 with program countries and 33 with partner countries).
* data on the number of international students - as of October 2021 (source: Moja PG)
* other data regarding the 2019/2020 academic year, before the merger of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology (source: Gdańsk Tech activity report for 2020; "Internationalization" section)