As part of inter-university cooperation, Gdańsk University of Technology participates in international cooperation networks and national initiatives supporting the development of international cooperation in the field of student and staff mobility and scientific research.
As part of international networks, Gdańsk Tech is a member of the following organizations:
- ENHANCE Alliance - membership from 2022
- CESAER (Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research) - membership since 2015
- CDIO Initiative (Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate Initiative) - membership since 2011
- EUA (European Universities Association) - membership since 2001
Within the national network, Gdańsk Tech is a member of the following organizations operating in the field of internationalization:
- IROs Forum (International Relations Office Forum) - membership since 2007
More information on international institutions and organizations Gdańsk University of Technology is a member of, is available here.