Erasmus+ agreements
The basis of Erasmus+ trips are interinstitutional agreements that make exchange programmes possible. They need to be signed by two institutions of higher education:
1. in the case of an exchange between universities from programme countries (EU, Norway, Liechtenstein, Iceland, Serbia, North Macedonia, Turkey) all universities need to have the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education
2. in the case of an exchange between universities from programme countries and partner countries (other countries of the world), universities from programme countries need to have the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education, whereas universities from partner countries need to sign an interinstitutional agreement and undertake to observe principles included in the Erasmus Charter.
By signing interinstitutional agreements, universities undertake to:
- collaborate on exchange programmes for students and employees under Erasmus+
- observe quality requirements included in the Erasmus Charter in all matters related to the organisation and management of exchange programmes
- use quantitative and qualitative indicators to ensure high quality and satisfying results of exchange programmes
Gdańsk University of Technology has currently concluded over 600 Erasmus+ agreements with both programme and partners countries.
Framework agreements
Framework agreements (so-called Memorandum of Understanding) are a type of agreement that does not generate any financial, organisational or material obligations. Universities signing such an agreement describe the type of cooperation and decide on the next steps to achieve it. Framework agreements are thus the first step towards closer cooperation. As part of framework agreements, universities may sign annexes specifying in detail, for example, the terms of employee exchange as part of research projects or other joint ventures.
Gdańsk University of Technology has currently concluded almost 70 framework agreements with China, USA, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, France, Russia, Jordan and other countries.
Double Degree / Joint Study Programs
Double Degree / Joint Study Programs offer students the opportunity to study at two or even more universities within a single course of study. During the recruitment process, when students decide on their field of study, they may consider whether there is a signed agreement on Double Degree / Joint Study. Students interested in pursuing studies under these programs are encouraged to contact their faculty directly.
Gdańsk University of Technology has currently concluded around 20 international double degree agreements with universities in China, Portugal, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Italy and Germany.