The current energy and economic situation poses new challenges for our academic community. Accordingly, we are all making an effort to conserve natural resources and energy.
We are convinced that each of us feels responsible for the welfare of our University.
Let's remember some simple rules:
While working:
- Sunny day outside the window? Open the blinds, shades or curtains. This will allow the sun's rays to naturally illuminate the room.
- Take advantage of spot lighting when possible - turn on the light only in the part of the room you are in.
- Fancy a cup of coffee or tea? Boil only as much water in the kettle as you actually need. Don't fill the kettle above the maximum level or below the minimum level.
- Remember to turn off the lights every time you leave a room, office, hall, auditorium or bathroom.
- Have you been charging your cell phone? Remove the charger from the outlet, because even when the phone is not plugged in, the charger is drawing current.
- See a malfunction? Report it to your supervisor or to the building administrator.

Finishing your work?
- Turn off your desktop computer. Don't select the "sleep" option, as the computer will continue to consume energy while you are away.
- When you use a laptop, remove the charger from the contact or turn off the power strip.
- Turn off the lights.
Are you the last to leave the office?
- Turn off your printer and other office equipment, coffee maker and air conditioner.
- Check that all lamps are off.
Be an example!
Do you have any ideas for common cost-saving measures?
Share initiatives, ideas, thoughts and comments with us sending an e-mail to sdgs@pg.edu.pl.
Please also visit our webpage: Sustainability website.
/design graphics: Radoslaw Wesolowski/