• 2024-02-26

    [1st - 4th-year PhD Students] Regulations for bonuses for scientific publications and Gdańsk Tech in 2024

    Dear PhD Students We would like to inform you that on 2 February 2024, Decree of the Rector of Gdańsk University of Technology No. 9/2024 on: Regulations for bonuses for scientific publications and patents at gdansk university of technology in 2024 (in Polish only) was issued. The decree takes effect on March 1, 2024. For more information, please visit: PhD Students -> Scholarships...

  • 2024-02-23

    The Fahrenheit Union of Universities in Gdańsk - research apparatus search engine

    The Fahrenheit Union of Universities in Gdańsk encourages the use of the search engine for research equipment, which was developed under the grant project entitled Supporting University Consolidation Processes. The database enables joint management of research infrastructure of member universities, which results in facilitating research projects and works. 133 items of large apparatus and 59...

  • 2024-02-22

    [Update 23.02.2024] [1st-4th year PhD Students] Doctoral scholarships

    Dear PhD Candidates We would like to inform you that on February 22, 2024, the Regulation of the Minister of Science dated February 15, 2024, amending the regulation on the amount of the minimum monthly basic salary in a public university (in Polish only) came into force, with effect from January 1, 2024. In March you will receive an increased scholarship and compensation for January and...

  • 2024-02-07

    New list of journals and conferences

    On 5 January 2024, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education published an announcement on the list of scientific journals and peer-reviewed materials from international conferences. Full list of journals      More information (only in Polish)

  • 2024-02-07

    Doctoral School at the Gdańsk University of Technology has again received funding under the "STER NAWA - internationalisation of Doctoral Schools" programme

    Thanks to the experience and meticulous fulfilment of tasks in previous Projects, the Doctoral School at Gdańsk University of Technology was among the 15 universities that managed to obtain funding under the 'STER NAWA - Internationalisation of Doctoral Schools' Programme. The funding of PLN 1,990,680.00 will be used to fulfil tasks in the new project 'PG Doctoral School closer to...

  • 2024-02-06

    Bisacridines, active anticancer compounds in 3D cell cultures - graduate profile

    Jolanta Kulesza - scientifically affiliated with the Faculty of Chemistry, began her training in the a.y. 2019/2020, under the supervision of prof. Ewa Augustin from the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biochemistry. She submitted and defended her PhD thesis in the discipline of chemical sciences [NCh], entitled. "Comparison of 2D and 3D culture models in the study of the...

  • 2024-02-01

    [Update 20.02.2024] Courses for PhD students in the summer semester 2023/2024

    [Update 20.02.204]  We have closed pre-registration for elective courses for summer semester 2023/2024. From 20 February 2024, we will begin to publish the course schedule on the webinar calendar and Disciplines Tabs - please check our website. We will continue to update these as we receive information from lecturers. If you are interested in enrolling in an elective course from another...

  • 2024-02-01

    [2nd - 5th year PhD students] Assessment of the Doctoral School Office as well as administration and infrastructure - surveyes.

    Dear PhD Students,   We would like to inform you that on February 1, 2024, you received individual links to two surveys on your mailboxes:   assessment of the Doctoral School Office assessment of the infrastructure and administration of Gdańsk University of Technology The surveyes are addressed to active PhD students of the 2nd - 5th-year, undergoing training at the Doctoral...