EOSC - Biblioteka Politechniki Gdańskiej
Innovative projects facilitate data sharing in interdisciplinary research

Article about the project in Science|Business

full text of the article

EOSC - Biblioteka Politechniki Gdańskiej
Project update

Data practices in an interdisciplinary perspective - building good standards and universal solutions

pdf file

EOSC - Biblioteka Politechniki Gdańskiej
Project update

Data practices in an interdisciplinary perspective - building good standards and universal solutions

pdf file

EOSC - Biblioteka Politechniki Gdańskiej
RDA 20th Plenary Meeting

Harmonisation and alignment between vocabularies for interoperability

pdf file

EOSC - Biblioteka Politechniki Gdańskiej
IEA Wind Task 43 Metadata Challenge webinar series #3

One size does not fit all - challenges and barriers in creating the Bridge of Knowledge repository for sharing data

pdf file 

EOSC - Biblioteka Politechniki Gdańskiej
Presentation of the project

Data practices in an interdisciplinary perspective - building good standards and universal solutions

pdf file

EOSC - Biblioteka Politechniki Gdańskiej
Twitter account

Current news about the project
